Benjamin Metcalfe - Your Second Brain


All your knowledge stored just like a brain. Instantly reachable anywhere, anytime.
Here's an invite link to those interested in joining!
Make sure you give the Developer some love on Twitter and tell him to come on over to PH! @ReachKnowledge

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Benjamin Metcalfe
I've gone ahead and included an Invite Link in the description for those interested in trying it out now. Better sooner rather than later on signing up with it though! Not sure how long it will stay open! Please make sure you make enough noise to get these amazing developers from Twitter @ReachKnowledge over on Product Hunt to do a proper launch, I'm not doing it near the justice it deserves. This features a Knowledge Graph of the likes of Obsidian and Logseq but with an amazing and elegant take on the visualization of the graph itself. displays your data on a 3d Knowledge Graph displaying all the relationships you define between your data. ALL of your data.
Benjamin Metcalfe
Amazing take on visualizing your data's connections. Utilizing a very snappy 3d knowledge graph to display EVERY link. Zoom out for a bigger picture, or zoom all the way into a single node for easy selection. is the knowledge database of the future.