Nik Graf

React Draft Wysiwyg - Out of the box, feature-rich content editing for React


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Jyoti Puri
Thanks Nik for hunting React Draft Wysiywg On the web content management continues to be a challenge. This year Facebook open-source DraftJS and I found that its an awesome library to build content on web ages in bug free and reliable way. When iPaoo approached me for building a CMS editor for them it was my opportunity to build something nice for CMS. I love building great stuff, its so rewarding in itself. iPaoo allowed me a open-source a modified version of the Editor I built for them and there you go. React Draft Wysiwyg is built on top of ReactJS and DraftJS. It provides awesome content editing capabilities like supporting embedded links like youtube videos, code-pen, providing support for uploading displaying images, providing mentions support, emojis, text styling like color, font-size, block type, etc. It generates output in very reliable way in JSON format which can be saved and re-hydrated to the editor. Also, I have made along with the editor libraries to convert this JSON format to HTML and Markdown. The toolbar for the editor is highly configurable, thus you can control which editing options your users get.
Jyoti Puri
@thekitze Thanks Kitze :)
Gabriel Lewis
@jyopur where were you two weeks ago when I was working on a Medium clone in react 😒
Jyoti Puri
@gabriel__lewis :) can I help you now
Hadi Farnoud
@jyopur does it properly support RTL like TinyMCE and others?
Jyoti Puri
@hadifarnoud Its built on top of DraftJS which does support RTL. But currently its not configurable for users. But you brought a very good point. I will make it configurable soon. I created an issue for it already:
Jyoti Puri
Link above is broken, plz check: Till it gets fixed.
Jyoti Puri
Its fixed now.
Angelo Francisco
Link leads to "Page Not Found"
Jyoti Puri
@angelofrancisco Ops wrong link posted there, plz check:
Jyoti Puri
@angelofrancisco Nik is fixing it.
Hadi Farnoud
is there any way to use this without React? if not, is there any other solutions out there?