Quit biting your tongue when you’ve bought the wrong item online. Readily collects your return from your doorstep & refunds you instantly! No more fuss, no more sore tongues, no more time waste 😎
This is a cool idea. I've got a couple of questions around how the process works. Do you have direct integration with the merchants? Does the refund amount get taken out of a customer's readily account that they pay back once they have received the money from the merchant?
@chrishuttonch Thanks Chris! Sure: As it stands right now, the product is B2C without any merchant integration. I am making B2B connections, so integrations with individual merchants will be available over the coming months (making the process much easier for consumers). As for now, the Readily refund is deducted out of your nominated account 2 weeks after the item was dispatched to the retailer. This will of course become seamless with merchant integrations down the line! Any feedback is appreciated :)
Little plug about Readily! I launched 3 weeks ago and users have been loving it so far. In a nutshell, we collect your online return from your doorstep & pay your refund instantly! Any feedback or comments would be highly appreciated :)