Johnny Boufarhat

Readory - The platform for online written content 📝

Readory is striving to be the web's platform for written content.

We are a platform curated by readers and content creators alike to make sure quality written content (blog posts, ebooks, Ask.PH, IH Interviews, tutorials, forum discussions and more) are not underexposed or hidden behind major content platforms, and SEO giants.

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Johnny Boufarhat
Hey Everyone, I want to start by giving a special thanks to @jakecrump for saving our PH Launch multiple times. As a sole founder and self-taught developer of two years, I have to give credit to @levelsio as a huge inspiration and recommend his book ‘Make’ to other founders. I built Readory with the aim of helping people find quality written content that’s available across the web that you often do not find because it’s not on the front page of Google Searches whilst simultaneously giving exposure back to the creators. Many content creators often have trouble with major platforms due to it’s control over monetisation, design, code amongst other things. Anyway, make sure you sign up and check out the interview page on the platform – it’s similar to Indie Hackers, where we interview successful content creators to get insight on how they got to where they are now and their tips/tricks on how to get started. I’ve got a number of exciting features like an awesome weekly newsletter planned in the pipeline over the next four weeks so stay tuned. Appreciate any feedback that you have! Cheers, Johnny
Ben Wallace

To have a place where you can find such an assortment of content is brilliant. I am sure that there may be other's out there, but this one stands out based on it's design and ease of use. The articles are relevant, and with so many different areas there is a lot of scope for what kind of content you can find.

For someone who is becoming dependant on content professionally, this is the perfect place for me to find it as my professional outreach is vast and this allows for me to reach out to those areas. Not only that, but it gives those who have a voice a chance to share their work in a much simpler way. Excellent work to the Founders and Creators, you're helping make content relevant in a new and exciting way.


A great assortment of content, very easy to navigate technically and in design for those who may not find it easy to navigate content pages.



Johnny Boufarhat
Wow, thanks alot Ben much appreciated! Hope you continue to enjoy using the platform.
Conrad Jackson

I really enjoy the concept and execution of Readory. I would love to see what the best people on the internet read, and how that informs how they think and create.


Everything you've written or read in one place


Few rendering issues in Firefox at the moment. Be great to have a faster way to submit articles I've read.

Johnny Boufarhat
Thanks for the feedback Conrad, I'll look into the rendering issues right away! We have some exciting features coming up that should hopefully make it faster to submit articles your reading!
and who are "the best people on the internet"?
I've been on a quest for a month or so to find a single place where I can read and store my written content. I got tired of getting my feed from google now, facebook, twitter, medium and having to open 4 different apps to find everything I should be reading. Laserlike promissed to solve that for me but so far I hasnt. I hope Readory can provide that :) So far + /explore has been my best solution
Johnny Boufarhat
@ferminrp I hope so too! Thanks for the feedback. Let me know if there are any features you think would help get it to the point where it can solve that problem
Mike Moloney
Fantastic site! Love the interviews section, can't wait to read them.
Johnny Boufarhat
@moloneymike Cheers mate really appreciate it. We got a great lineup coming up
Reminds me of the Old Digg
Johnny Boufarhat
@i_shank I'll take it that as a good thing? -- I loved the old Digg
Johnny Boufarhat
@i_shank Thanks much appreciated!
Jerry Peterson
Does it like searcher as google?
Johnny Boufarhat
@jerrypeterson2 Not too sure what you mean
Karim Ansari

Moving forward I'm excited I'm excited to see how Readory develops. It's a platform for readers, by readers. And that's how it always should be.


For someone who works in the content marketing space this is something I have been waiting for. The design is nice and simple too.


Nothing... yet!

Great work! Congrats on your launch Johnny!
Johnny Boufarhat
@tonixx Thanks! really appreciate it
John Bandek

I am so glad that there is finally a simple yet proficient web application like this that is finally developed and published! Will be great use to many!





Johnny Boufarhat
Cheers John!
Abraham Luna

I just started using the service and I like the content.


Relevant content.



Johnny Boufarhat
Thanks Abraham for the feedback!
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Johnny Boufarhat
@aaron_kazah Cheers mate much appreciated!
Arya Mokhber
I like the concept, a simply design for a pretty good assortment of content, with great UI. I also like the convenience of having both the contents I've read and shared together. I'm excited to see your plans for future iterations and how this can be taken further, great job!
Johnny Boufarhat
@aryamokhber Thanks mate, really appreciate it
Jesse Williams
Just created an account to test it out. It feels a lot like a cross between Reddit and Medium, which I'm not opposed to. My only concern is that most of these platforms find success in catering to a very specific audience ... think Quora, Hacker News, GrowthHackers ... It will be interesting to see who claims this one.
Johnny Boufarhat
I agree and I am worried about becoming too niche eventually (to advertisers), the current platform is just the beginning I will be rolling out some features like the interviews you saw on the website, along with other stuff (won't say yet) to try and be a platform for readers of any category.
Love the design! It's good that the content keeps increasing so I can migrate from Reddit (that doesn't have such a friendly interface on desktop). Also I liked the fires!
Johnny Boufarhat
@alitzel Thanks alot! really appreciate the feedback
Krishna De
I just registered and look forward to testing it. On the profile page FYI @johnny_boufarhat the G+ description says add your Patreon profile. I would like to have had the opportunity to register with an email address not a social profile. It would be good to give people options to add other social accounts to the profile page such as YouTube, Instagram etc. It would be great is there was a Chrome and Firefox bookmark to allow us to save content to the platform where we are sharing rather than writing new content. I'd also like to see the option to save to draft for content that we share. It would be good to save to favourites specific categories as we probably have a few that we use frequently.
Johnny Boufarhat
@krishnade Oops I'll fix that bug thanks for pointing it out! Giving people the option to sign up with an e-mail address limits trolls (that was the thought process behind it) i'll look into it for sure though. I agree a bookmark would be incredibly useful for the platform and should be a future feature -- same with drafting content. & regarding favouriting specific categories your 100% right actually we're in the midst of finishing a feature similar to "news feed" where once logging in your asked to follow what categories you enjoy most and get a feed based on that. Thank you so much for all the ideas and feedback!!!!
Krishna De
@johnny_boufarhat You are very welcome - looking forward to using the platform and sharing it with my students
Jake Tran
Do you guys plan to make it a web app?
Tony Ventura
The website is no longer online. Hope Hopin can have a brighter future
With coronavirus preventing many people from going to the gym would you consider an online personal trainer?