So many have tried creating anonymous social networks (notably Secret) but they often devolve into trolling. Add photos/videos and people get super self-conscious and wieners. RealTalk has a good vibe to it and pixelates every video to hide one's identity.
UPDATE: I've been playing with the app more this morning and finding it particularly fun to speak with people around the world. I do this on Twitter all the time but this is the only app that facilitates this type of global interaction with video.
@rrhoover Hey thanks for sharing this. We've been iterating a lot on the product the last few months and have a lot in the works based on what we've learned so far. But interested to hear feedback or things that confused you.
Interesting. Downloaded and checked out the app. I like the idea of being able to chat with people, but I would like to know more about the people I am chatting with. The app works well, didn't run into any hiccups :) Fully anonymous apps don't really do much for me, but I am sure there are a lot of people out there who would love to use this app to chat with random people.
Since Secret was mentioned (Thanks Ryan ;) I figured I would give my feedback. Alexandre was kind enough to give me an invite and I played with it for a few minutes. Here are my first impressions (so some things may be off!).
First, the execution is great. Nice work there, great use of space on the vertical screen and the interactions are nice and delightful. I love getting responses and having them roll in asynchronously.
I like the idea of hiding one's identity through pixelated video, however, if any of my friends were pixelated to this level, I'd immediately recognize them or their voice -- so it doesn't work there. RealTalk focuses on strangers and so the pixelation is fairly gratuitous, but still kind of fun.
RealTalk feels like asynchronous Chat Roulette with an Aardvark/Jelly/Q&A type format. Not a bad idea.
In short, I think this concept would be great as a feature for something like Whisper or Yik Yak (or Secret if it still existed) as a chat option. I reserve any opinions about the "staying power" of this product until I've played with it more. :)
Great work Alexandre!
Don't know how I feel about these kinds of apps yet - not sue how much I'd use them personally.
But this one has such easy onboarding and a nice interface 😍
Hey Alexandre and team, first of all, congratulations on your launch. I love all products that incentivize connecting people, especially if otherwise, they would've never met.
I can't give feedback on the product yet because I don't have an invite, but I'd love to give my two cents on the design. From videos and screenshots, the design looks great, very straightforward and clean. Very simple.
There's one thing that I can't help noticing: the pixelation.
Maybe it's because I haven't actually used it yet and the human connection and audio is necessary to feel the full experience, but it seems like pixelation of faces is usually culturally associated with negative things, most notably a suspect/victim in a crime case or otherwise negative situation. Have you guys tried using gaussian blur instead of pixelation? It's much softer on the changes in motion, but less creepy.
"RealTalk focuses on strangers and so the pixelation is fairly gratuitous, but still kind of fun."
how about pixelation with emoji based on colour saturation to make it more fun/interesting
(maybe that's too much/heavy on processing I'd not know)
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