@jakecrump thanks for the reply, Jake-- yes, at first glance VR seems quite isolating (head mounted devices that literally block out the real world, etc). However, social experiences and opportunities already exist in virtual reality (i.e. VRChat.net, AltspaceVR, Oculus Social Alpha), and as this tech grows no doubt we will also see enormous contributions in the collaboration and communication use cases.
Thanks for checking out our podcast about virtual and augmented reality, guys! We have live video conversations with leaders in the VR/AR space with participation and input from the audience. You can join every Tuesday at 5PM PST here: http://bit.ly/rvsLIVE or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes: http://bit.ly/RVSiTunes (here's RSS feed if you prefer another podcast catcher: http://bit.ly/RVSrssfeed).
We're seeing the virtual reality buzz everywhere now, and this is a great (and fun!) way to connect with amazing people in the space and learn more about this incredible technology that is not just for video games and entertainment, but will eventually affect every industry. This tech will fundamentally CHANGE the way we do everything. VR/AR are the DEFINITION of disruptive tech. Prepare yourself for the upcoming paradigm shift-- it's only a matter of time.
Thanks for the feature, Product Hunt! :)
Product Hunt
Real Virtual Show - Ep. 4 Video Games to Virtual Reality w/ Daniel Dilallo, iTunes @ http://bit.ly/RVSiTunes
Real Virtual Show - Ep. 4 Video Games to Virtual Reality w/ Daniel Dilallo, iTunes @ http://bit.ly/RVSiTunes