Felix Jamestin

Recall - Create reminders in seconds

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Do you plan to release a version for iOS?
Felix Jamestin
@itsmidnightyo Yes I do and soon – stay tuned :) (Technically – the app is built using React Native which lets me ship on both platforms with a shared codebase)
Joel Runyon
@itsmidnightyo @felixjamestin how long do we have to stay tuned for? :)
Felix Jamestin
@itsmidnightyo @joelrunyon I basically need to get the app running on a iPhone and check if theres any layout issues etc. I expect it to be out in about 3 weeks or so.
Felix Jamestin
Hey PH (I've been wanting to say that as a maker for a while 😀) Recall is an Android app I built to quickly offload things I'd otherwise have to keep in my head – say a movie that a friend recommended or simply a reminder to call someone back. I've tried several todo list apps for this but they're more focused on managing your tasks, and not so much on simply getting stuff out of your head. With Recall, you simply type what you want to remember, select a reminder time and you're done. Super-quick about me: I'm a product manager who wanted to scratch a personal itch and also get back into being able to personally build things. Designing, coding (relearning to code first!) and now marketing Recall has been quite a handful but an amazing learning experience as well. I'm looking forward to having you guys try the app out!
Valentin D
I really like the design ! What can you say to make me change my habits by choosing your app instead of the Google reminder feature (that is available through Now, Agenda, Inbox, by saying 'OK Google'...) ?
Felix Jamestin
@valdecarpentrie Thanks! I'd tried Google Reminder (and it's great), but it was hard to get a sense of which tasks were added to it – they're fairly hidden.
Kasper Dolk
Great idea, Felix! What font did you use in the app? 👀🔮
Felix Jamestin
@kasperdolk Thanks! :) I used a free typeface called Overpass. (I wanted something like Interstate but free.)
Nikhil Jois
This is very cool! I look forward to using it more often. Do you have any plans of allowing sign-ins and saving data on the cloud for multiple device support?
Felix Jamestin
@nikhiljoisr Thanks Nikhil. Next up is support for iPhones. I don't have any plans for multi-device support but could consider that if a lot of folks need it.
Andy Shrinivas
This would work well with widgets I guess. Want to recall something? Just add it to an existing memory. Waiting for the iOS version though. Godspeed ✌🏼
Felix Jamestin
@andyshrinivas A floating chat-head-like-quick-reminder-thingy was one of the things I wanted to implement on Android :)
Okke van der Wal
Cool product! Reminds me of http://laterapp.co, but now for Android :)
Jamie Martin
Love seeing beautiful Android apps on PH
Felix Jamestin
@livejamie i agree, android needs a lot more love than it gets :)
Sushil Sharma
@felixjamestin Hey Felix, congrats on creating a slick, to the point app. I just tested it. It's working fine. Launch it on iOS and I will use it daily. Keep it up!
Felix Jamestin
@sushil_realmonkey thanks sushil :) iOS is coming up next - in about 3 weeks
Tiago Celestino
The interface is very clean. Congrats! Waiting for iOS version.
Felix Jamestin
@tcelestino thanks Tiago. I'll announcee the iOS app here once it's out
Laef 🐶🐱
@felixjamestin Very nice! I've been playing around with it for a day now and I think the most needed feature would be allowing the user to reorder the reminders. It would be a small change, but it would make it feel much better. ☺
Laef 🐶🐱

One of the biggest problems with reminder apps is that it takes too long to create a task, resulting in more things to do, not less. This app has made the process dead simple, so that I'm confident I actually <i>will</i> use it, instead of it joining the list of apps I love but never actually do anything with.


Very nice, clean, and simple; reduces stress instead of increasing it.


It would be nice if you could reorder reminders.