Congratulations on the launch of Recall! It's like a pocket-sized librarian for the digital age. I love the range of content it can handle, especially the podcast summarization feature. Maybe consider integrating a feature to share summaries with friends?
@daxeelsoni there is the option to share a link to a summary from the app, opening the link will then created a copy of the summary in their knowledge base.
@paul_richards1, you have done it again! You have come up with an amazing solution to help make life simpler. With Recall - Mobile Apps, you have given everyone a way to save time by quickly summarizing content. Kudos to you!
Just scooped up Recall and it's mind-blowing! Who knew taming the internet info beast could look so sexy - YouTube videos, Podcasts, recipes, and more, all neatly summarized and stored. Hello, organized life! π
Congrats on launching such a beautiful Product!
Have to say I love your landing page on web, it sells the product quick and gives a demo fast so I understand how to use it.
Can't wait to get started with the free tier, and get put a dent in my read-later list :)
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