Recap Guide - TV show guide with thumbnail recaps of episodes


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Kaspars Sprogis
As an author I would like to say a few words. I watch a lot of TV shows and sometimes I have problem remembering how last season ended or the last episode I watched and there was no easy way to find that out. I could use home theater PC with library mode, but due to habits, it wasn’t working for me ether. Then, there is a time I want to find that one funny episode and watch it again. Since I couldn’t find any resource that fit my needs, I decided to create one by myself - a website where I can see every episode in 50 frames of thumbnails / recaps together with according subtitles. There’s bunch of useful tools that helped me out to automate the process. SickRage, which downloads newest episodes using uTorrent, SickRage post-processor notifies Django script, which calls ffmpeg and creates thumbnails and matches with subtitles. After processing is done, script deletes video file. Hosted on Hetzner, images on Amazon S3 (+Amazon Cloudfront). I intentionally kept it simple and built just basics, therefore any feature suggestions are welcome. Hope you find this useful, the same as me! :)
Violeta Nedkova
@kasparssprogis I like this. :) I love that the recaps are very short and simple. I like the UI... but I think you should ask people to sign up to use your service... if you want to build on it, that is. Also, I think you should go for the "nostalgia" factor when you market this. Everybody loves a good old TV show. :D