Jacky Zhao

reflect. - a website blocker for the productive.


reflect is a digitally mindful chrome extension takes a different approach from other website blockers. instead of going cold turkey, we choose to be more mindful by supporting users in accessing websites when they need to, not blocking them off entirely.

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Storage for Good
Congrats on launching! How did your team collect the data?
Jacky Zhao
@storageforgood thanks! we got our first round of data through a survey that we sent out in early January. our second round was collected by a group of closed-beta testers :)) you can find the data we used to train our model here: https://github.com/jackyzha0/ref...
Esther Liu
how does the extension determine what counts as "productive"? cool concept tho, excited to see where this goes
Jacky Zhao
@productivity_finds to help figure out what to count as 'productive' or not, we trained a machine learning model on survey data that we collected a few months back! as a result, there are no 'magic words' that let you in every time. what we have noticed is that the algorithm prefers longer and more specific answers oriented around some kind of work or just taking a break.
Arnold Yao
Just the WFH extension I was looking for 😁
Ian M
Congrats on the launch, looks amaze
Jacky Zhao
@ian_m2 Thanks Ian :)
Jacky Zhao
hey there ProductHunt! 👋 as first-time app developers, we created reflect to help people study and work better and combat mindless scrolling and procrastination. that way, we can spend more time on things that truly matter to us. a little about us, we're a team of university students from vancouver, british columbia to chicago, illinois who are passionate about building solutions to help others. reflect takes a different approach from other website blockers. instead of going cold turkey, we choose to be more mindful by supporting users in accessing websites when they need to, not blocking them off entirely. especially with the disruption of COVID-19, it's been difficult for many students and workers to continue life entirely at home. we hope that reflect helps people adjust and adapt. check out https://getreflect.app to learn more about us! we'll be around all day to answer questions and we're always seeking feedback on how to improve!