Karthik Sridharan

Tackle COVID-19 Boredom - Mr. Trump is just a click away :P

Being locked down in your house is an absolute must right now but can get very boring. Looking for some fun relief? Mr. Trump is here to talk to you and is just a click away!

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Suvansh Bansal
I have been fascinated by the power and the stature the POTUS carries since the time Bill Clinton aka Slick Willie first came to India in 1990s. But I think only The Chosen One aka Donald Trump has fulfilled the responsibilities bestowed upon him. So this weekend, I spent a few hours fulfilling my dream of chatting with President we need but don't deserve. Would love to see if you too are able to live your dream! Let me know but try only on desktop. Mr. Trump is not mobile-friendly yet.
Karthik Sridharan
@suvansh_bansal Nice one :). Could do with some laughs/smiles in these times.
Suvansh Bansal
@karthik_sridharan Good on you for hunting Mr Trump down!
Anna Rogers
Nice work. Fun playing around.
Suvansh Bansal
@anna_rogers3 Glad you liked it Anna!