Kevin William David

Remote Job Board - Remote jobs for anyone, anywhere.

Remote jobs for anyone, anywhere.
Update [2021]: This job board is no longer active.

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Filippo Mursia
Well, after I spent more than 1 hour to build my profile, I applied for a job and discovered that you have to make a subscription starting from $19/month to apply for jobs. Nowhere is written in the homepage. Bad move.
Nick Macario
@mrdobelina Sorry that part is not more clear. We will work on updates to better explain how our process works. Remote is designed to match specific criteria to the right job seeker/job. As a job seeker, you complete your profile and set your job preferences. Once your profile is complete you "unlock" job matching and our system will begin inviting you to jobs when it's a good match. When invited, you apply to these jobs for free - and get fast tracked to the hiring manager. This enables us to ensure we are providing high quality matches to both job seekers and employers. Alternatively job seekers can purchase a plan to access additional features and have the ability to be a bit more proactive in their search. Hope this helps!
Filippo Mursia
@nickmacario yea I'm not questioning the fee itself (somehow you have to monetize) but just the fact that is not written anywhere till the moment you finally want to apply for a job. Something in the homepage (a Pricing tab maybe) would make everything more clear. On the other side, is it really well done!
Nick Macario
@mrdobelina thank you and the feedback and appreciate the kind words.
Tomato Soup
@mrdobelina woah, are you kidding? Who's going to pay $20 a month for a profile? NO thanks
Daveyon Mayne
@nickmacario The hunter said he spent an hour to build his profile. Could you elaborate on that? True or false?
Johan Netzler
Dat domain 🤓
James O'Sullivan
@nickmacario @johannetzler How much was it? 😁
Marc Crouch
Yes! This is exactly where the market should be going. Fantastic project. I've signed up as an employer.
Nick Macario
@marccrouch Thank you. We have a team of talent specialists who can help you fill roles if you're looking for assistance. Let me know if you need anything.
@nickmacario how are measuring personality traits?
Nick Macario
@sridhar_kondoji primarily public social data
Filippo Mursia
Seems interesting, but why I should add all my Linkedin contacts? I mean, it will somehow help in finding/proposing job or it's just a move to grow the user base?
John Fowler
@mrdobelina I think it's a mix of both. I've only just signed up, but it looks like your connections can post recommendations for you. I guess this is the benefit of importing your contacts, but for Remote, it is a handy built-in growth hack too.
Nick Macario
@johnsteerfowler @mrdobelina Hey guys, one of the most unique things about Remote is the connected remote/freelance experience and job referrals, which happen through connections. The social graph does help with growth as well:)
Nate Smith
@mrdobelina This seemed confusing to me too. They don't explain what happens when you import your contacts. I definitely don't want to spam all my LinkedIn contacts just by signing up for this.
Nick Macario
@mrdobelina Thanks for the feedback. We will work on doing a better job of making it clear importing contacts does not invite your friends without a request from you to do so on the next step.
Kevin William David allows the remote workforce to network and refer jobs. It uses AI to analyze skills, experiences, and personality traits to predict the highest probability of job success, which allows recruiting and hiring top quality talent in minutes. There are end-to-end solutions for both job seekers and hiring managers to find and manage projects and full-time jobs, including a secured escrow payment system.
@kwdinc looks like there technology applies to all types of job seekers. Why are they applying to remote professionals only?
Nick Macario
Thanks @kwdinc! Hi Hunters, we're excited to introduce to the Product Hunt community today. There are plenty of freelance marketplaces and nearly as many remote job boards, but we found the experience fragmented. The workforce is undeniably mobilizing and our goal is to be the primary resource for your remote career, whether that be freelance, consulting, or a full-time remote position. A place where you can not only find jobs, but have all the tools necessary to manage your career, as well as a community of like-minded professionals redefining "work". We strongly value your feedback and look forward to it. Thanks!
Ashley Kruempel
@nickmacario absolutely love this! However full disclosure I'm working on something very very similar, except even one step bigger... either way I love to see companies on the same path, creating solutions for problems people don't even realize they're going to have yet. 20 2040% of the workforce will be remote workers, but where are they going to go to work?
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
Echoing everyone above: the _idea_ behind Remote is spot on. (Referrals drive nearly all of my business, and nearly all of it is remote. An AI driven marketplace for hiring FTE's for clients and for subs? Yay.) But the customer experience lacks the "trust factors" that I need to engage with it seriously. Price & feature set for each side of the marketplace needs to be stated prior to profile build -- or at least available. Don't ask for my LinkedIn data without explaining why. Do I have a choice on that? How and where is Remote data mining to fill in the blanks on my info? Will you share your "entire file" on me with me? None of these are showstoppers, but they'll be user activation killers.
Nick Macario
@kkdub Thank you for the feedback. We will work on some of those trust factors you mentioned. As for importing contacts, we mention the reasons in the headline and description of the page, and you can click the "skip and finish" button to proceed without contacts. That said, we will surely look into making things more clear.
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
@nickmacario Awesome! So many companies can use this. And my apologies -- didn't catch "skip and finish" button. That's kinda big. ;)
Nick Macario
@kkdub Np and thanks!
Surprised to see all the details Remote has on me after signup even without me supplying them. Freaky, and not in a good way.
Nick Macario
@tomflemming Hello, are you referring to your picture/name in the signup flow? We pull public data. Most people find it cool:)
@nickmacario it would be nice if you were to ask first. what If I had two profiles and wanted to choose?
Nick Macario
@tomflemming We use what social signals tell us is most relevant. That said, this is simply a placeholder which you can update during the signup flow and/or when editing your profile.
@nickmacario it's not just that, you seem to have pulled in contact details from Linkedin. Did you have a different name previously and have pivoted?
Bruno Tereso
Ended up there because I was redirected from branded-me (which was a totally different approach), wasted my time creating an account and as soon as I try to apply for a job, they ask for money. It says we can skip the subscription after we book work (only after our account is made), well, we all know how hard it is to win a project in this kind of platforms, so anyone with some sense would just go with one of the free options. Lost 1 hour to prepare the account, just to loose another 5 minutes to delete it, or try too, because it seems impossible to delete a profile and that is what makes me worried.
Nick Macario
@brunotereso Sorry for that part not being clear. However, isn't just about applying to jobs. It's a platform used by recruiters and hiring managers searching for talent. A good profile will place you into search results and match you to jobs you're not seeing in the public marketplace. Jobs you're not required to apply to. Highly recommend to set up a presence regardless of whether you're applying to jobs.
Bruno Tereso
@nickmacario I understand that, but a simple search for jobs for iOS developers returns somewhat 20 results. From those 20 I need to be lucky enough to book one, me and thousands of other developers. Sorry but under this conditions the word "Free" shouldn't be there at all. Another thing you really need to consider is allowing users to delete the account, doesn't seem fair to be "forced" to have an account in a platform I chose not to use.
Austin Grandt
Currently filling out my profile. One question I have is if companies will be able to directly reach out to us? As in, are companies actively going and looking through users' profiles to find someone with the skills they want?
Nick Macario
@austingrandt Great question - Yes, companies, hiring managers, clients, etc, use the search functionality to seek out talent, as well as work with our internal team of talent specialists to fill jobs not displayed in the public marketplace.
Tomato Soup
make sure you post this on
Nick Macario
@adamrsweet thanks for the tip, and hopefully I cleared up any confusion in your comment above.
Oleksandr Gamaniuk
Take a look at we launched recently. Tarta monitors jobs and matches you with the best ones. Also Tarta helps to organize an interview (no scheduling email ping pong anymore) and even pass an interview (depends on a job). Tarta is currently focused 100% on remote programming, qa, product, designer and sales jobs but might expand our focus in future to other industries too. cc Tarta AI .
Anthony W. Richardson
@NickMacario I'm noting that some product hunters are a bit miffed about the fee -- any chance at a 1 or 3 month trial for early adopters to prove the value?
Nick Macario
@webfugitive Accounts are completely free to create a use. When you start applying to jobs when we require a subscription. Connect with me on the site and I'll take care of you.
Ercin Filizli
2 million+ - can you prove that?
Fraser Smith
Excellent timing just as I become available for a couple of days per week. :-) Signed up, applied for a couple of positions. Just one thing, one of the position's 'Apply' button linked through to a completely different site and listing. Having seen the comments below about having to subscribe before applying, this came as a surprise. Was that a bug, or has somebody worked out how to circumvent your rules?
Fraser Smith
One month on and I have the following thoughts: 1: The price is too high. You can create your profile for free (read that as gets your data for free) but the cost, if you want to apply for jobs, is too high, especially as it's set up as a subscription. 2: Many of the jobs are not remote at all or may be remote but specify a geographic location. 3: Several listings that I viewed seem to have been scraped directly off other sites. To pay $19 for the ability to apply for a job only to find that the "apply" button takes you another, free, site is a bit galling. 4: The AI aspect is pretty useless. After spending about an hour filling out my profile with my 20+ years of IT and tech experience, the final straw was an invite to apply for a job as a Front Desk Receptionist. (That got me checking the date, but no, it was sent on March 31st, not April 1st) Conclusion, they get your data for nothing, the fees for added value are too high and the added value isn't that valuable when you do pay for it. I'll probably delete my account if I ever find out how.
Ivan Verkalets
Good one 👍🏻
Trantor Liu
Hello @nickmacario! Not sure if you remember me or not. I'm the founder of CakeResume. Congratulations on pivoting to!
Nick Macario
@trantorliu Of course I remember you. Thank you! Hope all is well with you.
Viktor Petrov
Like the rest of the guys here, created a profile(1 hour) and just now wanted to apply for job and boom $20 per month. Your business model sucks, but that is OK, other competitors will capitalize on that. P.S. I got really mad this is why I came to PH to share my 2 cents.
I paid 19$ to apply for jobs, after three days using it I received a message saying that you can only apply to 10 jobs. First you hide that you have to pay to apply and then it's not explicit that you have a limit...
Mike Porterfield

Got an email that I had an invite on Remote. I'd never signed up for Remote, so I clicked to unsubscribe and it sent me to a log-in screen.

After reading comments it sounds like they have had issues with transparency, including their business model and prices.

Nothing peeves me more than getting emails from services I never signed up for.


Good idea


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