Rauno Metsa

Remote Work Consultants - Experts helping companies go remote

Did you know there are people who help companies go remote? Yes, and they’re called remote work consultants!

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Rauno Metsa
Did you know there are people who help companies go remote? Yes, and they’re called remote work consultants! I'm a solo developer building RemoteHub 👋 – a social network site for remote companies and people working remotely. Now that a lot of companies had to start working remotely overnight, there’s even more demand for professional remote work experts who help companies with things like: 🎨 Design a remote workflow 💼 Train the team ✏️ Write remote work policies 💻 Find remote talents ☎️ Provide ongoing coaching and support I've made a page where: 📝 experts can submit their profiles and 🤓 companies can find remote work experts Let me know how I can improve this!
Enelin Paas
This is soo cool! Companies would like to go remote but they are lacking skills, here they can find support, amazing!
Kristin Wilson | Traveling with Kristin
Thank you for creating this product! For years, few people knew what a "Remote Work Consultant" was. Times have changed!