Kevin William David

Remote Work 2020 - The ultimate guide and report for remote work in 2020


Remote Work 2020 is your go-to resource this year. A combination of -
1. State of remote work basis survey of 331 remote workers
2. 7000+ word guide basis interactions with leaders of distributed teams & successful remote workers
3. 5 Podcasts & 13 stories

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Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Hey everyone! Firstly, thank you so much Kevin (@kevin) for hunting us :) We began working on Remote Tools in August, 2018 with a simple idea of creating a repository of handpicked tools for remote work. Remote Tools has now grown to become the place to discuss, learn and grow remote work. The journey so far has been absolutely amazing and we have learnt a lot many things about working remotely from numerous individuals we interacted with - leaders, makers, remote workers, evangelists. Remote Work 2020 is the culmination of all our efforts and learnings thus far basis our personal experiences, insights from our conversations with leaders of top remote companies & remote-first makers, and stories of successful remote workers. It is a combination of 3 sections - 1. State of Remote Work 2020 - Stats & figures based on our survey of 331 remote workers from Invision, Gitlab, Doist and many more distributed teams! 2. Remote work guide - Our commentary (totalling 7,101 words) on pressing topics around remote work based on learnings from interactions with leaders of distributed teams and successful remote workers. 3. 5 Podcasts & 12 stories - The actual source of truth for us πŸ˜€. The collection of podcasts with leaders from Gitlab, Invision, Doist, Scrapinghub, FlexJobs, etc. and chronicles of remote workers - the people we have learnt the intricacies of remote work from! We will work to update the guide through the year and would also love your help in doing so! If you have anything to contribute, do drop me a line at :) Eager to hear your thoughts/ feedback!
@kevin @remote @hrishikesh1990 Looks great! I work remotely, and many of the things you mention in the resource are spot on.
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
@kevin @remote @esther_cheng Thanks Esther :) Glad you find the content helpful!
Artem Stenko
Future is all remote work. So Thank you for taking care of the future ! Gtz, & good look
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
@artem_stenko Absolutely! And thank you so much for the kind words, Artem :)
Juan Sarmiento
I've been following Remote Tool's newsletter for a while ago and I must say that it has been a great source of useful software/services and interesting discussions about remote work. I'm really glad to see how it's all still growing @hrishikesh1990 keep the good work πŸ‘
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
@juanpablosarmi So kind of you to say that Juan! Very happy that you like what we are doing :)
Ben Church
Glad to see this come out! Thanks @hrishikesh1990 ! I've been working remote for the last 6 years. While it's no silver bullet I definitely think with the trends we're seeing it's going to become a default option for many skilled online workers. Note that "Online workers" includes lawyers, accountants, marketers, entrepreneurs and many more. Not just Devs and Designers. _Nothing like making a Silicon Valley salary while living by a low cost Canadian ski hill_
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
@bnchrch Thanks a lot for the kind words Ben :) Very well said! Great to know that you have been working remotely yourself. We have a section where we share stories of remote working individuals - The Remote Working Chronicles. Would love if you can contribute. If this sounds interesting, please drop me a line at :)
Branimir HrΕΎenjak
I've read trough the introduction and part of the first chapter, it's quite compelling. Will continue on, this is a great resource for all remote works - ex and current. Kudos!
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
@branimir_hrzenjak Super happy that you liked our efforts, Branimir :)
Luke Thomas
Great report - thanks for putting this together Hrishikesh.
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
@lukethomas14 Thank you so much for the kind words Luke :)
Gab Bujold πŸ’€
I participated to this survey of @hrishikesh1990 and I must say that this is really empowering for all remote workers worldwide. A solid study that make us want to promote this work lifestyle!
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
@bujold19 Thanks a lot for the kind words Gabriel :) Absolutely! More power to remote work!
Asma Tahir
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
@asma_tahir Wow! Thanks a lot Asma :)