@AnujAdhiya Awesome to see more interest in the remote space. It's still overlooked by too many founders and VCs while products for remote workers and digital nomads will be a B$ market soon.
@levelsio I think this is the reason why the folks at the Lean Startup Conference launched one focused entirely on distributed teams earlier this year: http://officeoptional.co/.
Had the chance to speak there - learnt way more than I expected.
For anyone that's interested, just google "office optional youtube" to see videos of all the talks.
cc @rdutel
Hey Everyone :) Rodolphe here, I started Remotive to help fellow Remote Workers to be Productive & connected - super nice to see it here :)
All the technical part is handled by the very cool Jeremy Benaim - https://twitter.com/jeremybenaim :)
A truly great product! @rdutel is the founder/creator of the list and I know he has many great ideas about developing it! @rrhoover can you give him the "green dot"? :)
I wonder how much of PH's community works remotely. It seems like there is a ton of interest in all things remote. It makes me wonder if there might be value in dynamic collections. I would love it if the current static collections could become dynamic and new products could be tagged either by the community, the submitter or perhaps a collection curator. I know I would subscribe to a few collections so that I could get notifications on a few categories.
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