Hi everyone, I'm John founder of Rentork, we are glad to welcome you here on Product Hunt to talk about our app and how now you can rent your data online and earn money everyday on your favorite websites and apps when you see ads.
@wwwjohnrobin can you explain a little bit more about how it works to the PH community? Which data is being rented to whom, and why would they interested/motivated to pay you?
@chrismessina Thank you for your message.
We wanted to allow users not to see ads without any return like now, when you see ads everywhere on your favorite websites and apps, Google, Apple, Agencies, etc. are targeting you by using your data for free.
How it works is very simple, once the user has installed the app, he has to connect with his email or with his social account like Facebook, Twitter or Google. After that, the user can fill out his profile with different details he wants to rent to advertisers and he also can select his different interests and brands he likes the most. The more the user fills out his profile, the more his value increases and consequently his earnings are higher.
After that, you just have to shut down the app and go on your favorite websites and apps like you do everyday and each time you see an ad from our network you get paid because advertisers pay to display ads and we share the commission between the publishers and the users.
Advertisers do not have access to the user's data, it's only for targeting purposes and to allow users to choose what kind of ads they want to see. Advertisers will never receive users data at any time except if the user subscribes to the advertiser's offer and gives him permission to have access to his data but the user will also earn money by giving access to his profile depending on what fields the advertiser wants to have access.
We already have advertisers and agencies as partners interested in launching their campaigns on our network because they can target people on their exact criteria, behaviour, interests and what kind of brands they do like (Like Facebook but all over the web through different websites/apps). For advertisers it changes anything, they do not pay more or less they can just explore a new way to advertise with our innovative social ads with multiple actions (video, app download, fb likes, offers, etc) and for the users it's a new "sexy" ad experience as they can interact on it and rate/like it.
You know it's like if instead of being a publisher by having a website or an app you're becoming a publisher by renting your data (It's kind of an AirBnb for your data).
A lot of users are tired to see non targeted ads or are more aware that advertisers are using their data without their agreement (who reads terms and privacy policy?). So why could not they rent their profile?
Our app is also an AI allowing users to ask for specific offers like "Deals Hotel New York september 2016 2 adults" or "Cheap flight Paris Los Angeles June 2017 2 adults 2 children" or "Discount tickets Walt Disney World July 2016", etc. We offer a trending module to advertisers to answer these requests by creating new deals and to allow users to control the offer. So each time one of the user's request matches with an advertiser's offer, the user is going to see it online in priority, he will get paid for it and if he perform on this offer he'll get an extra commission. This AI has also a special feature for blind people with an audio description of each ad/offer, as they can't see it, they can hear it.
So now users don't have to use Ad Blockers, they can see ads depending on their profile and get paid for it :)
I hope I made myself clear and if you need more details, do not hesitate to ask, I'll be glad to answer.
@wwwjohnrobin Great explanation! Could you run us through a use case that you have had in the past and how it feels from the users side and the agencies side? Future plans for this? PS: Highly recommend changing your screenshots for the app in Apple Store.
This concept is awesome. Look forward to trying it out.
Just a typo on the front page: "....use freely your data." Should be "use your data freely," I think. :)
Best of luck!
@swetzequity Hi Zach, more than a couple of pennies, it depends on how active you are on the web and on your apps. If you're an addict to your phone like us, you should earn more money. Average ads per day seen by a user all over the web is around 600-800. Our network is growing very fast, the more we have advertisers and publishers the more we display ads and you have the chance to see them. We made some quick forecasts and an active user could be able to earn between 50 to 500 a month depending on his activity and actions. You get paid each time you see one of our ad, or when you click or when you subscribe or download an app, etc. So for now I can't tell exactly how much you could earn but more than a penny ;)
@wwwjohnrobin Wow, that's pretty good! I feel like I've seen something similar before, with ads on the Android Launch screen, however, the payouts were so minimal it wasn't worth much time.
How do you connect the mobile app to say, a desktop browser? Is it limited to ads you see on your mobile device?
@swetzequity When you sign up on the app you choose FB, TW or GG and that's how we have a permanent connection everywhere with you. So you'll earn everywhere on your smartphone or on your desktop even if you use multiple devices, you'll be always identified.
We do not display ads on the lock screen as it's not relevant for us, we prefer to target people where they are at the moment: on a website, on a app, etc.
@wwwjohnrobin Nice, I like your execution. When I signed up, it gave me a countdown to 'start earning money' and it says ~27 days? Do I need to do anything additional after signing up to be eligible?
@swetzequity Nothing to do now just chill out :) The countdown is when we start to display ads on different countries. Now you'll get notified if there are new interests or new brands/products available, etc.
This is the advantage of this app, you don't have to come on it and see ads to earn money it's on your "everyday" web experience.
@kevinsuttle You gotcha! Everyone has a price for sure and that's what we wanted, to value users and change the way advertisers are using data. So now, you want to target me well, so you have to pay.
Great idea. This could have huge impacts on ad-blocker usage. Will you release a whitelist of sites in your network (or even your own ad-blocker which whitelists your network by default)?
@blairhudson Hi, indeed we're planning to release a whitelist of sites and apps in our network displaying ads but we won't say how our ads are :)
We won't have our own ad blocker, not really relevant and we are not for ad blockers we believe in ads and their are necessary for the free websites and apps to live.
@noemu95 thank you for your feedback. So now you just have to shut down the app (before don't forget to share) and relax. In less than 30 days we start ads diffusion for many countries.
@johnmrcd Hi, thank you for your feedback, we are already working on the UI / UX for the next version, we know it's not fully optimized for now. We put all our efforts on the algorithm and the AI.
Your site says "Rentork is available on App Stores for iPhone/iPad, Android and Windows devices and it's 100% Free."
But It does not seem to be available on the Windows Store as of yet.(https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/...)
You might modify this until Windows release to decrease frustration and confusion.
@kclewis0614 Oh yeah you're right, we should be available on Windows next week I though I removed it. Thank you for your message and your upvote (if it's already done :))
Does this mean you are hijacking the areas where an app or web developer may have another ad network and injecting your and your partners ad server placements into the ad spot?
@jeremie_olivier congratulation on the new business model. Very disruptive!
Two things though: you need to grow fast to be able to compete with the big sharks (Why should I use Rentork network while I can reach more customers using another networks- who are also using AI to target users?). Second, you should watch out for user behaviour. I assume that some users will start to click and interact with more ads to increase revenue, which will bias the key metrics for your publishers!
Beside, good luck. The digital advertising is big, tricky and I am personally supporting anyone who is making ads less intrusive.
Hi @yassinelanda, thanks for sharing your thought.
For sure we'll have to grow fast, but what's good for us is that a lot of advertisers already signed with Rentork because the concept innovates. I'm sure between guessing what users likes ( thanks to theirs habits ) and between directly asking them what they want to see, we'll have an interesting gap of conversions rate.
Your second point is very interesting. You're absolutely right, a lot of users are going try to find our ads over the web that’s why we have an anti fraud / hack system.
Thank you for supporting us. "You'll see ads all your life long, so you better start loving it"
Guys, v2 is coming up very soon and with a lot of new features to earn more money by seeing and also sharing ads. We'll keep you posted very soon for a LIVE.
Thanks John, will do. BTW I have heard a lot of talk about this type of product over the past few years but yours is the first good implementation I have seen so wish you the best with it.
@noemu95 I've created this project 5 years ago but it was too early, I ran some tests it was great but people were not ready, so I had all the time of the world to think about it, to see how the market goes and in november 2015 I decided it was the time. We have a lot to do to improve the app and the AI but it's a good start.
Hi @marin_says, we didn't include every states for every countries yet. But as only email, password and country are required fields you can go to next.
Hey, cool idea... quick question @wwwjohnrobin: the countdown on my dashboard says 25 days and some change until I "start earning money." Is that the countdown to the next payday or until it starts showing me the ads that count toward earnings? Thanks!
@andym_dc Because we want to start with enough advertisers and publishers otherwise it's not interesting for the user. For now we are collecting the more users we can as we can display more ads and convince more advertisers to advertise through our network and publishers to display ads on their websites / apps.
So we prefer to have a wait time until the ads diffusion starts instead of making you earning few pennies. Depending on your country, it can start a little bit later as we are waiting for more advertisers and publishers.
Well, this I found quite innovative and if it gets massive will for sure change some things, you'll have the upvote. Question, if you get paid, where does that money go/deposit? How can you use it?
Muzeek (Beta)
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