Pasi Lampinen

Replayify - Create playlists from your most played Spotify tracks

This is an application to discover your Spotify usage and creating playlist from your top artists and tracks. It uses Spotify Web API.

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I'm jealous of all these apps built on top of Spotify cause I don't have Spotify in my country and use Apple Music out of obligation. Wish such things existed for Apple Music too 😅
Avinasha Sastry
@amrith Ya! So many cool apps on Spotify! Missing out on so much!
Brad Rhoads
Love it! One suggestion: add genre filters.
Asher Dawson
This is a really cool idea, and certainly useful. The only thing is... I signed in with the wrong Spotify account, and now I can't switch accounts. There's no 'account' tab :(
Pasi Lampinen
@asherdawson open and log out. Then open and you should be able to log in with different account 👍
Guillaume Bardet
This looks interesting :) I just gave it a try, it was really quick to create one. Do you plan to give the option to customize the description and cover before publishing it?
Pasi Lampinen
@guillaumebardet yeah, customizing the playlist will be next feature :)
Rangel Cardoso
Pros: Stunning design, simple usability ! Suggestion: Could have a option to create a playlist with related artists !
Pasi Lampinen
@rangel_terraquio Good idea! Although it seems like Spotify already has this functionality "Create Similar Playlist"
Chris Sheffield
What did you write this in? I also love the front end UX.
Pasi Lampinen
@iamshief this is built with React, Redux & Sass :) Source code is available at
Alin Panaitiu
I absolutely love the design! Good way to listen to some forgotten gems ✨🎧
Alin Panaitiu

Replayify gives you an easy way to listen to your most liked tracks that you may have already forgotten about!


Marvelous design, simple and clean



Mike Gorrell
This is great. So simple, easy to use, and shows me exactly what I was looking for. Love how easy it was to generate the 100 song playlist for my all-time artists, I know what I'm listening to at work today!
Boris Bielik
Would love it even more if it grab my taste also from