Nick Abouzeid

Republic Crypto - A compliant blockchain investment platform for everyone


Republic Crypto is a platform to help founders run compliant token sales. Now, blockchain startups can engage and raise capital from investors of all income brackets.

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Nick Abouzeid
Hundreds of ICOs have launched over the past few months, some launching publicly for all to invest and others through compliance services like CoinList. Until today, founders have been forced to choose between selling to only accredited investors (to minimize the risk of regulatory action) and selling to anyone online. No longer! Republic leverages their experience running equity crowdfunding campaigns (where stock in early stage companies is sold to unaccredited investors) to help protect blockchain company founders who want to raise money without the kind of legal liability normally associated with running token sales. Super cool. Excited to see where this goes πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Tom Howard
This is super cool! One of the things that disappointed me about CoinList was that it shuts out those who are not yet rich. Restricting great investments to the 1% just increases the inequality of wealth building. Love the Republic Crypto is a compliant compliment to coinlist, enabling wealth building investing for the rest of us!
Jeff Osborn
I'm all for democratization, but crypto and ICOs, in particular, are extremely risky (just Google 'Tezos' and hit the news button for one example). Maybe it's not such a bad thing that they're restricted? I'm still undecided. Love the approach and in general I'm all for opening things up for everyone. Considering that ICOs are substantially riskier than investing in an early stage startup with a platform like Seedinvest, what steps is Republic taking to educate potential investors who may be investing because ICOs are popular and may not understand ICOs or the huge risk associated?
Kenneth Ballenegger
@jeff_osborn We think there's a middle ground between protecting investors and keeping them out of a trend that's creating immense wealth at the moment. Crypto is the wild west right now, and while many projects will be just a momentary fad, many will be here to stay and have a lasting impact on the world. The JOBS Act gave the power back to the people to participate in this wealth creation, within certain protective limits (based on their income level and net worth). Republic enabled that for startups, and Republic Crypto is now doing it to blockchain projects, too. Keep in mind that early-stage startup investing is also extremely risky. On a personal note, as an early-stage angel investor, I look for a couple big wins to pay back my entire portfolio of 40+ investments, knowing most will fail. I think a roughly similar distribution of returns could play out with ICOs, tooβ€”with the benefit of being much more liquid.
Matt Mayberry
It looks like there is a cap at $1M raised. Is that correct or did I read that wrong?
Kenneth Ballenegger
@mattmayberry The law restricts how much can be raised under Regulation CF on a crowdfunding platform like Republic to $1,070,000. Of course, more can be raised in parallel from accredited investors on a platform like CoinList.
Bryan Dickens
@mattmayberry @kob is there a way with CoinList/Republic to convert from the CF to a Regulated A+?
Kenneth Ballenegger
@brdick Not at this time.
zoe adamovicz
Hey! What kind of tokens will be distributed by companies on Republic Crypto? Utility tokens packed in securities like in SAFT used by CoinList? Or tokens that actually are designed as securities? I cannot find a clear answer on that. My another question is about fees. How much will you charge for token offerings on your platform? It would be great to learn about that, because Neufund is also building a fundraising platform. The main difference I see is that Neufund will have an "equity token" solution, allowing any off-chain company to raise capital (note that equity token might be a specific utility token at the same time, which will be powerful!). Another difference is that Neufund is creating its own token economy model, giving the ownership of the whole ecosystem to investors. It would good to see what is your approach. Thanks in advance!
Kenneth Ballenegger
@zoeadamovicz @joselfgaray Republic Crypto as a platform is agnostic to the type of token and type of security sold. We'll work with utility and security tokens both. Investors generally receive an instrument that is somewhat analogous to the SAFT on CoinList, but with some additional protections baked in. As for fees, we charge the company a cash commission + a percentage of the tokens delivered, both in the low-to-mid single-digits, and only on the amount raised through Republic.
Remi Renault

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how can invest by crypto in republic .
Anny Wiliams
I'm also not sure if you have an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrencies there. in addition, there are a lot of questions about whether you can participate in ido crypto there. And as me it's pretty bad, because every investor is now losing a real opportunity to invest in young and promising projects. And such projects are losing potential sources of investment. That's why I advise to pay more and more attention to platforms that help projects to enter ido crypto. In particular, I know that such platform is , which provide opportunities to use crypto ido applications both on their platform and support such IDO on other exchanges. I think if you follow their ido calendar you can come across really interesting projects.