@jberrebi Great idea and 100% agree. We are starting with asking VCs and angels and will eventually open the platform for everyone to add their own ideas.
@jberrebi@pieterpaul We love this idea and have seen many large companies create their own Requests for Startups - it's inspiring to see. Thanks again for the feedback guys!
1. Love you.
2. Can we hook this up to a VC On Demand App? Ya know, an Uber for VCs. When you want to have them just come over right now and give you the money for an idea they've said they like.
3. Also, we can build the entrepreneur version. Entrepreneur On Demand. When they have an idea and the money, there can be a pre-vetted pool of entrepreneurs that have had background checks and passed a general competency test to just come over and start working on it.
Basically, let's use this to see just how far up the on demand ladder we can go. I've been thinking about which services should be commoditized, this seems like a nice place to start. :)
4. More seriously, does anyone know if there's been large company born in the last 20 years that the founders would legitimately claim to have been created based on an investors idea? I'm quite curious as to whether or not that's a thing. I'm not quite sure that VCs have good ideas, and when most of the angels that I know actually have a really really good idea they go start it themselves.
@bowman Haha! Entrepreneur on Demand has promise ;)
I agree that most ideas start with the founders, but think that VC's should be more proactive about telling entrepreneurs about verticals/ideas they are interested in funding.
YC's RSF was a valuable resource for entrepreneurs to frame their ideas - and was an interesting approach!
I was just reading Homebrew's RFS last night (cc @hunterwalk@satyap). I'm a bit fond of email-first projects. :)
If this get traction, what are your next steps, @jmj?
Requests for Startups (RFS) is a project created by @isaac_madan, @shauryasaluja, and myself.
We are building a community where venture capitalists and angels can inspire entrepreneurs to think about ideas.
The concept was inspired by YCombinator, who created a Requests for Startups site in September: https://www.ycombinator.com/rfs/
“There are a lot of startup ideas we’ve been waiting for people to apply with, sometimes for years. In an effort to be more direct, we’re introducing the RFS (Requests for Startups).” - YCombinator
YC’s Request for Startups was a defining moment in the relationship between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs.
Rather than waiting for pitches, YC made the decision to be proactive process by telling entrepreneurs about ideas that they would be excited to fund.
Yesterday, Andreessen Horowitz followed YC’s lead by releasing their own Request for Startups - and it was a fascinating list: http://a16z.com/2015/01/22/16-th...
We believe that every venture firm, angel investor, and incubator should create a similar list, which is why we built Request for Startups.
We are creating a place where investors can post a Request for Startups and tell entrepreneurs about concepts and verticals that they would fund.
RFS will help existing startups find the right investors for their ideas, and will also help entrepreneurs discover their next big idea. Likewise, it'll help investors manage opportunistic inbound and proprietary dealflow.
We are starting with a curated newsletter that features Request for Startups from some of the brightest investors in the world - and we have plans to create something much bigger very soon!
@isaac_madan@shauryasaluja@jmj This is absolutely fantastic.
Having been on 'both sides of the table' (h/t @msuster), I totally believe the world is a better place with both 'push' (PH/Angellist) and 'pull' (RFS)
Good luck and cheers.
@rrhoover Thanks for sharing Homebrew's RFS - first time reading it tonight and it's fascinating.
We want to build a community where VC's and entrepreneurs can exchange ideas and communicate more effectively.
We're still working on the mechanics, but our goal is to give "pre-idea" founders a place to find inspiration & to also give existing startups a place to find the right investors for their projects.
On the investor side: we want to help VC's, angels, and incubators share concepts and find the right founders to build their ideas - or to find startups who are already working on the problems they want to solve.
Agree that email-first projects are a great place to start!
I've been thinking about a similar type of site/service for a while now. Whilst there exists sites such as PH to discover new products, there isn't a site where people can browse, contribute and collaborate on ideas.
Initially, I thought this wouldn't work - if there exists a hotbed of ideas then surely people would 'steal' them and what's the incentive to share ideas? I believe this reasoning to be flawed, there are many people (myself included) who have a range of ideas but simply do not have the time to pursue them all. However, I would be happy to share them in the hope that someone else could develop the idea for the greater good of society.
Linking VCs & angels into this is a key element in helping to bring good ideas to life.
This looks like a great step in this direction, I would love to see the site evolve into something more than a daily newsletter (I prefer a PH style site rather than email delivery - just a personal preference). I'll be keeping an eye on this - good job @jmj & co!
@adamcudworth@clogish Thanks for the feedback, Adam - I completely agree! I wish that people shared ideas they love, but won't actually build themselves. We're hoping this product helps facilitate that type of behavior. I'm a big fan of Assembly, Nick!
@jmj@adamcudworth What are ideas worth if they don't solve anything? https://www.thinkero.us is for browsing, contributing, and collaborating on *problems* as well as ideas that solve them.
The VC community is an extremely small target audience for most products that are released. Aren't you supposed to be solve problems, helping people, and build things people love instead of just chasing funding?
@jmj Right but the VC's aren't the source you want. Even YC's RFS's weren't that good. I remember YC was looking for some service built on Twitter even after Twitter shut down it's developer API. In that same time, apps like SnapChat, WhatsApp, Tinder, and other rapidly growing applications blew up and no investor was asking for them.
The whole thing seems backwards, but hey other people in this thread seem to love it. I'm definitely interested to see where this goes.
I looked at Homebrews list and they had a request for something we'd been considering here. So in some ways these lists may help drive direction for new work. Other people will just look for ideas they think they can get $ for. But as @hunterwalk said "your passion for it has to be greater than my passion for it". Doing something only for the money will show.
@aseidman Thanks for the feedback. This is meant to help entrepreneurs explore larger ideas and verticals - and for investors to share ideas they're thinking about. Good luck!
@danielpearson thanks DP! I am very excited about that possibility too. Perhaps the best ideas will come from companies and industries outside of the VC space. This will provide them better access to entrepreneurs.
Reminds me a bit of Bill Gross's IdeaMarket.com. Anyone use this or know how it's doing?
Here's a Forbes article http://www.forbes.com/sites/robe...
Collecting VC ideas is novel, and could be a source of inspiration, but I'm not sure I'd want to spend the next 5 years of my life pursuing something because an investor had a whim while on the treadmill :)
@sailornathan thanks Nathan! I agree that the entrepreneur should have conviction about their ideas - hoping this helps existing startups find the right investors too.
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