Nick Frost

Startup DB - Search great, curated posts by investors and operators

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Nick Frost
The Mattermark Daily is a daily newsletter I curate that features first-hand perspectives on entrepreneurship, investing, sales, hiring, and more, as it emerges everyday. As a weekend hack, Isaac Madan deep-indexed every article featured in the Daily over the past few years, and built StartupDB: a simple search interface so you can find the best, most relevant startup content from the Daily when you need it. He's been using it internally at Venrock to field questions from entrepreneurs and pull together some of the best startup resources. Check it out!
James Futhey
Nice product. Congrats!
Sydney Liu
Great job Nick!!!
McQuillan Shane
very interesting, well done
Scraping the newsletters was on my list for ages. Thanks so much for the great work!!!
Dominik Grolimund
@thinker, @isaac_madan Love the idea! If you'd like, we could give Startup DB a nice home on Refind ( It could live under the URL of your choice (,,,, etc.). Every Mattermark Daily could be mapped to a topic and all links would be fully searchable. We could set it up quickly. To get an idea, have a look at or @isaac_madan, if you want to take a look at Refind, here's an invite: WDYT?