
Resji - webpage for your resume. - Say goodbye to pdf resumes and get a web link to your CV.


The idea is simple. You should be able to share your resume even by text message. And, no matter whether you shared the link one day before or five-year before, the recruiter should always see the latest details.

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Hi all, This is Sharath. Let me introduce you to my new product, "Resji" which lets you find & show your resume in the web browser (of course, in HTML format with CSS styling with a bit of JavaScript). Here are a few samples of resumes so you could check & know how your resume is "going to be" before downloading our iOS or Android app. So, you see the samples, here's how you could build one for yourself. 1. First, type & get the link. (preferably with your name like,, etc., you get the idea, right?) 2. Then, fill out the resume details like name, experience, projects, skills, education, contact details, etc. - Yes, more typing. 3. Afterward, select the template that suits your taste - you make me rich here, but if you don't want some internet stranger to be rich, there are free options too (to be frank, just two). 4. Finally, wave goodbye to word & pdf resume copies, smear lamb blood on the paper copies, dig a 9" x 12" pit (at least 01 feet deep), and complete the final rituals as per local tradition. Once you have completed the above four steps (for non-believers, Yeah, 4th one is a total must & shouldn't be missed), Voila, you made your resume omnipresent and is ready to link & share anywhere. Give it a try & let me know your thoughts😁! Happy Weekend.