Kevin William David

Responsively - Develop responsive web-apps 5x faster


A web browser that aids responsive web app development. Preview all target screens in a single window side-by-side. Brings down your development time. Use your already-familiar dev-tools from the browser. No additional learning curve!

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Pratiksha Dake
How is it different from
Manoj Vivek
@pratikshadake_ind, Unlike Sizzy, this is free to use and open source. The roadmap and development of the product will be more depending on the community :)
Manoj Vivek
Hey Hunters and Makers šŸ‘‹, I'm Manoj Vivek here, one of the makers of Responsively. Thanks, @kevin, for hunting our product, we are so excited to showcase the weeks of work and get some feedback. šŸš€ Quick highlights: - Mirrored User-interactions across all devices. - Customizable preview layout to suit all your needs. - One handy elements inspector for all devices in preview. - 30+ built-in device profiles with the option to add custom devices. - One-click screenshot all your devices. - Hot reloading supported for developers. - Free forever and open source - We would love to hear your thoughts on the product, let us know.
Devanand Premkumar
@kevin @vivek_jonam Congratulations on the launch. āœ”ļø This is going to be super useful for more people as responsiveness is a much sought out requirement from content stand point up to SEO optimisations.
Wow, this is a great product idea! Love the concept, have been facing this problem a lot. Why didn't I think of such a solution? Great app, congrats on the launch @vivek_jonam
Manoj Vivek
@prem_santh1 Thanks šŸ™Œ
Musharof Chowdhury
Congrats on the launch, will use this from our next projects thanks for offering such a premium quality tool for free.
Manoj Vivek
@musharofchy much pleasure!
Sithartha Gowtham
We have been using it in our team for quite some time. Simple to use. Enjoyed being part of the beta! Congrats on the launch šŸŽ‰ @vivek_jonam
Bilal Tahir
Pretty cool! Have y'all thought about making this a chrome extension to make the experience more seamless? Easier to click a button than jump to a new interface.
Manoj Vivek
Hey @bilater, thanks for asking about it. We have it in the pipeline, created this issue to keep track of it -
Giulio Michelon
Super useful! Thank you for sharing this and making it free :) You are awesome
Hey, I saw a similar product once but this is far better. Would surely take a look into this.
Manoj Vivek
@realdesigntack, glad you found this better. :)
Ganesh Ravi Shankar
Awesome tool. Thanks a lot for making it free. @vivek_jonam
Manoj Vivek
@lone_wolf Glad you found it useful! šŸ™Œ
Janne Wolterbeek
Just tried it out. I am mind-blown. This is the best one I've ever used!
Manoj Vivek
@janne_wolterbeek Glad you found it useful!
Congrats on the launch @vivek_jonam.. This is cool one..
Manoj Vivek
@vinodh_kumar4 Thanks šŸ™Œ
Allen Houng
So awesome!
Jarod Peachey
This looks pretty sweet! Congrats on the launch! šŸ”„šŸ™Œ
Gautham Santhosh
Great idea.
Manoj Vivek
Nicolas Laurent
Awesome ! Thank you for making such a great product !
Jaye Hernandez
This is such a useful product! Congrats on the launch and thank you for making it open source šŸ„³
Manoj Vivek
@jayehernandez much pleasure! šŸ™ŒšŸ¼
Wooden Faces
Love it!
Pravin Uttarwar
Love that it is very smooth. I am to incorporate using it in the next web app my team works on.