I'm a well-known tabaholic just like you probably are. To help save my own sanity, I came up with a simple Chrome extension that allows you to view search results without clicking any links. I sent it to a few friends and they told me to post it. Would love any feedback!
Note: Some pages may have issues loading due to iframe restrictions :) I will also probably not be updating this often and if you're looking for something that is continuously being improved, go check out http://url-render.com.
Huge thanks to @nicolas_laporte for opening my eyes to this world.
I'm glad that people want to create some extensions that change search engine behaviour ! Also I'm in love with your dynamic logo :) ! Btw what was wrong with my extension http://url-render.com ?
this would make google very happy. they already display wiki result previews on their search results page itself to prevent people from exiting their page.
I unistalled this extension after 1 hour of use
Pros:Works most of the time on Google
Cons:This extension provide less features than the one I already use and can't be used on others search engines
URL Render
Instant Preview Extension
I would rather keep the extension I already use, it works better
Pros:Works fine on Google
Cons:Some websites doesn't render at all, and the expansion of the preview stops me from reading some other search results
Santa's Ideas
Recession Preparedness Calculator
Kinda slow for first time, not much different than real tabs.
Pros:Nice idea.
Cons:I love tabs 💟
fix i16l
Pros:Nice idea
Cons:Not working on google.FR, only .com
inCharge 6