Professional cover letter samples that you can use as inspiration when you're next applying for a job. Sourced from trusted career resources, such as Harvard and Stanford career resources.
Hi everyone!
I run a career platform, Resume Worded and some of the most common questions I get from my readers and users are about cover letters. Whenever anyone asks about them, I usually just send them a couple of good examples of cover letters they can use as inspiration.
I thought I'd curate a bunch of great samples so other people can use them as inspiration too! They're sourced from some excellent career guides by places like Harvard and Stanford (links to the original guides are included too!)
Hope you find them useful :) Any feedback or feature requests, let me know! 🙌
Thanks! 🙏
P.S. This is a side project to my main product, Resume Worded, which gives you feedback on your resume and LinkedIn profile powered by AI, as well as sample resumes. It'd be awesome if you could check it out too! 🙌thank you
Awesome idea, some really good cover letters you have there. I think it'll help a lot to have all these for inspiration. Always found it challenging to write a cover letter that stands out.
It's not enough just to look through the examples. Learn some recommendations that will help to make you document much better. Which introductory words to use? How to describe your experience? All the info is here:
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