Ria Blagburn

Notif - Creates a social FOMO to instantly multiply your leads


Notif is small & light weight widget that rapidly displays your most recent Signups, Purchases, or Subscriptions on your Website. This creates a Social FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) that builds anxiety in your website visitors to perform a similar action. Grow your Leads and website conversions 20 times within the next 2 minutes.

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John Philip Morgan
Interesting. The design looks exactly like our software at https://useproof.com and when I take a look at the code it seems to be a direct copy. They just appended 'ret' to all our variable names. You can see 'proof' variables still littered throughout the codebase. :( real bummer.
@jpamorgan @swetzequity Also looks like they swooped the "logo" from this blog post unless the writer here also worked on this https://blog.prototypr.io/facebo... Also, it looks like John was talking about the notification thing in the bottom left on both sites. They're shockingly similar.
✎ Andrew Warner
@jpamorgan that's exactly what I thought. I wish I jumped in here sooner and said something.
Rajesh Pandurangan
@jpamorgan It's common that every developer name contact related fields like `fname`, `firstname` or `first_name`. This doesn't mean it was copied from another developer. So does the Javascript code that every site gives to embed in others sites. They look similar. But that doesn't mean they are copied. As a CTO, you should have known better before mAking such tall claims
@jpamorgan @raajesh_rp Unfortunately, this isn't the case here though, the design (along with class names of elements) for the notifications are literally the same besides some small copy in it. I'm all for competition, but quite literally copying your competitor isn't right.
Rajesh Pandurangan
@gavindinubilo Maybe the design resembles, but the claims are like their entire application been copied. When your product is so strong, why bother at all? There are various such notifications templates available if you google them. One such UI also can be found here https://tympanus.net/Development...
Palash Bagchi
Thank you @ria for hunting Notif. Notif is a small script that can be pasted on any website. It tracks signups, purchases or even subscriptions and displays them in real-time to the website visitors, compelling them to signup up as well. It works wonders. We are ourselves witnessing 100% growth in our website conversions since we first launched it last week.
Dave Rogenmoser
Hey @palash76 where did you get the design for your exciting new tool? Looks shockingly similar to our software https://useproof.com that we launched 6 months ago... :)
Palash Bagchi
@dave_rogenmoser Hi Dave, we have multiple designs for the notification. The one displayed is a standard UI design component. :-)
John Philip Morgan
@dave_rogenmoser @palash76 It's our EXACT design AND code. You even left our variable names in tact in the code.
John Philip Morgan
@dave_rogenmoser @palash76 It's pretty shocking to see people completely rip code like this and call it their own.
✎ Andrew Warner
@ria Your reputation could be hurt by posting an exact copy of someone else's work. @palash76 hasn't addressed the issue and I'll stand down if I'm wrong, but he copied the exact design. Tim, please talk with @palash76. There are better ways to work.
Sinister exploitation of compulsive shopping disorder? :-) :smiley: :grinning:
Palash Bagchi
@venkatasoujanya Hope you are talking on the lighter side of things. :-) We are allowing our customers to hack the social FOMO.. we sympathize with CSD people, not exploit them.
✎ Andrew Warner
@palash76 Dude, you're using the term "FOMO" because Justin's company is called FOMO and it does the same thing. You're using the look of Proof. The people you're exploiting are other makers. You can create something similar. Why copy?
Palash Bagchi
@andrewwarner FOMO is a generic terminology for the behaviour. Why do you think we are copying?
✎ Andrew Warner
@palash76 you mean it's happenstance that you used your competitor's name in your description? You didn't mean to do it?
Palash Bagchi
@andrewwarner you stick to blogging. There are things beyond your grasp.
Rajesh Pandurangan
Such a tiny tool can have remarkable website conversion effects.
Palash Bagchi
@raajesh_rp This is in fact so true.
✎ Andrew Warner
@raajesh_rp @palash76 Yeah, it's a blatant copy of Proof's design.
Rajesh Pandurangan
@andrewwarner Does that mean Proof's code is not secure at all?
Jp Valery
This is just a blatant ripoff, and the makers are just being obnoxious. That's very sad to see, and not worth of the PH community.
Palash Bagchi
@jpvalery you guys ripped off usefomo. Could not be creative enough to even use a unique domain. Copied them and created useproof..haha..thanks for entertaining the community..you should get a special mention in PH.
Jp Valery
@palash76 I'm not affiliated with any of these companies. I'm just sad to see your agressive behavior and lack of diplomacy, especially in light of what seems to be you just copying everything from another company. Rather than trying to calm things down, you just taunt and insult other users. So ultimately rather than explaining why your product is superior or more innovative, you just act obnoxious. Not the best course of action IMHO 🤦‍♂️
Palash Bagchi
@jpvalery surprisingly you find only my comments obnoxious! Is that your neutral stand? And what makes you believe that Notif is a copy of proof? Just because couple of proof founders and sympathizers are being called in to make that claim? Did you do your diligence before commenting or taking a side? If you did, then let the world know what you found. When you have already jumped into the water, don't retract and pretend to be neutral. Ask proof first how can they copy usefomo before you ask Notif. And notif is just 10% of the marketing automation suite from Retainly. Do you really think there is any competition? You choose to be blind towards the obvious blaming strategy of proof and even pass a judgement that we are not fit for this community. We're you expecting kind words from me? Don't be naive.
Palash Bagchi
@jpvalery where is your diplomacy in declaring that we are not worth of this community?.who made you the judge? practice what you preach..and stop making a fool of yourself. You want a war? I will give you one you have never dreamed of.
Nitesh Manav
Hey @palash76 , there is no doubt that this is an amazing growth hacking tool. Few things: 1. How does it differ from a similar tool called 'Proof' https://useproof.com ? 2. Suppose, we don't get many leads ( subscriptions, purchase, registration) etc. initially since the startup is new. Is there any way to fake it initially? ( Don't judge me, just asking :) ) Thanks.
Rajesh Pandurangan
No judgments :) Notif keeps rolling your last 10 signups. So if you don't have new sign ups, "it will keep rolling the old ones. As for the comparison with Proof, Notif comes integrated with a full stack marketing automation platform which no other competitor can offer. "
✎ Andrew Warner
@raajesh_rp They seem to have copied the look and feel of a competing service. If they did, would you really want them on your site?
Palash Bagchi
@niteshmanav thanks Nitesh for bringing in a reference point. Helps customers to decide faster.
Mikee Shattuck
This space is heating up real fast 💨
✎ Andrew Warner
@mikee_shattuck If by "heating up" you mean these guys copied proof fast, then yeah. They didn't even change the look.
Palash Bagchi
@mikee_shattuck the competition is unable to digest a better product. Their comments are so reckless that I don't even consider replying. The customer is the judge and jury. :-)
Troy Osinoff
I'm assuming this was inspired by the ecom app "Recently" (https://apps.shopify.com/recently) Works well for ecom, should do well for signups too! Logic makes sense.
Palash Bagchi
@yo We are actually discovering competition from you all :-). We first built Retainly marketing automation and discovered that our tracking script had become extremely powerful. While the tracking was being used for engaging leads and customers, we said, "why not use it to generate more leads too?" That was our inspiration, and we started with the objective to build something as a part of Retainly but which can give immediate results to our customers. We are happy that our customers have started multiplying their leads in a very short span.
✎ Andrew Warner
Dude, at this point only two companies were mentioned: Proof and Recently. How could you not known about Proof before. Your widget looks just like theirs.
Palash Bagchi
Thanks to the competitor, Notif has become more popular. The customer now knows exactly what they are getting for their money. While we do not consider mud slinging our business strategy, let us be clear that Notif is a genuine product, built from scratch by its developers, who started more than 6 months ago.
Dave Rogenmoser
Hey @palash76 fyi, when you guys copied our code from https://useproof.com you forgot to remove all our customer's names from the notifications... Here's an example from your code - http://d.pr/i/RUQEvp Also, here's a side by side of our code and yours. Look familiar? - http://d.pr/i/11cMW7 Anyway, just thought I'd let you know, so you can stop telling everyone it's built from scratch and stuff.
Palash Bagchi
@dave_rogenmoser Notif's customer names are dynamic, not fake static ones like proof. Anyway, you guys are born losers, which you have proved yourselves. Happy that your customers are now moving to Notif. If this does embarrass you and your team enough, you can stop telling everyone that Notif copied you. Or you can continue your foot in mouth disease.
✎ Andrew Warner
WTF? You guys seemed to have copied the look and feel of Proof.
Ryan Kulp
lol. Fomo was the first company to provide this service. we launched in 2014 as Notify, then rebranded to Fomo in August 2016. proof: * https://web.archive.org/web/2015... * https://www.producthunt.com/post... most competitors (including those commenting here) have copy-pasted elements of our product (code) and website (copywriting). most competitors have been sent legal warnings from our lawyers for the above offenses. when i ponder "who will win" i'm reminded of Fomo's vision statement: "to give honest entrepreneurs the credibility they deserve." proof: * https://blog.usefomo.com/having-... because this space is contingent on honesty, whenever our competitors cut ethical corners it only make Fomo shine more. thanks @andrewwarner and Parneet Dilawari for the heads up.
David Carpe
is there a version that allows for fake and programmatic alerts to display? that might be useful for startups
✎ Andrew Warner
@passingnotes If you're looking for fake, these guys seem to be the right ones to go after. They seem to have created a fake version of https://useproof.com/ or if it's not fake, they seem to have been heavily "influenced" by the design.
Palash Bagchi
@passingnotes hi David, don't mind the competitor. They have taken smear campaign as their marketing strategy. Haha. To answer you, Notif will roll your last 10 sign-ups. You can sign up to your application yourself and check how Notif displays it.
David Carpe
@andrewwarner no personal need, just wondering if i should expect to see a whole bunch of fake versions of these notifications on websites
Palash Bagchi
@andrewwarner @passingnotes Notify only displays genuine sign-ups. The competition is claiming to display even fake ones.
Mikee Shattuck
https://www.codingbutler.com/cre... just do that instead its free :)
Sumeet Chawla
Apart from the whole controversy of the app being copied, I have a doubt about the whole concept itself. Isn't this kind of borderline violating a user's privacy? I have seen other versions of this concept where they don't mention the name but just show "Someone from New York, bought this" etc.
Palash Bagchi
@sumeetchawla very valid point. However we ensure that contact details of your customers are not revealed. Would you consider an anonymous notification to be compelling enough or would you take it as a fake?
Palash Bagchi
@sumeetchawla our team liked your suggestions. So we released a new feature where you can choose to display anonymous sign-ups. Thanks.
Palash Bagchi
Just to let the world know, that these juvenile proof guys are now spamming our social channels, sending abusive words and content to our live chats. This is a clear sign of their immaturity to handle business. Need I say more?
Dave Rogenmoser
Actually @palash76 nobody on our team has taken part in any of that. That's just our incredible and loyal customers taking notice and saying what needs to be said. Welcome to #ProofNation
Palash Bagchi
@dave_rogenmoser You don't think twice even before accusing your customers?
Austin Distel

Look at the code line by line and you can see it's copied from straight Proof™.


social proof increases conversions


It's a cheap knockoff. They literally ripped off Proof™

Sean Wiese
so popular the website doesn't load now. Wonder if they knew https://retainly.com already existing in the same space. seems customer could be confused easily
Palash Bagchi
@dswiese Apologies for the website performance. We received unanticipated traffic and signups in the last 2 days which resulted in a frequent server crash. We are fixing it, and also increasing our server capacity. Kindly bear with us. Thank you.
Jeddi Mees
Everyone copies someone. Make your $$ and be the best.