Hello community.
Let me present you the LeadMiner v2.0. A tool that help you to get relevant contact data in several moments. The idea has come when we tried to hire relevant people to our startup and help our recruiters. It was something like: "Hmm it would be great if somebody creates a bot that simply gives you relevant people contacts". So here we are :)
There is a list of questions and answers that could be useful:
Q: I've tried Lite search but can't use Pro search. What should I do?
A: Pro search is not available for free users. You should top-up your balance to use it.
Q: Why Pro search costs more than Lite search?
A: Pro search gives you more data fields per user and more actual information generally.
Q: What does "more actual information" for Pro search mean?
A: It means that Pro search share user last title/position, last company, actual and accurate location data.
Q: How can i top-up my account?
A: You can buy credits following way: press Balance, choose amount and proceed to lmb-pay.com site and then to PayPal.
Q: I've bought credits but don't see them. What should I do?
A: LeadMiner uses PayPal, there could be delays on the payment gate side.
Please if you didn't get your credits for more than 24 hours write us. You can do it by typing /support command
Q: I've sent a message to support but don't see any responses. When do support team respond?
A: When you write to support please leave your email, so we will be able to write you back.
Lead Miner
Lead Miner
Lead Miner