Jakob Greenfeld

Revenue Watcher - Discover revenue data of 2000+ startups and indie projects

Revenue Watcher is a carefully curated database of revenue numbers reported directly by the founders of startups and indie projects. Numbers are sourced from platforms like Twitter, Hacker News, YouTube, Starter Story, and Indie Hackers.

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Shahadat Shemul
One serious suggestion. Please change the red background colors. Eyes are hurting. Can't look for more than 30 seconds. As myself an UI/UX designer, if you need help, let me know.
Jakob Greenfeld
@shemul Noted, thanks! πŸ˜…
Heleana Grace
@shemul True! It might make more sense for the cards to be white on the red background.
Jakob Greenfeld
Hey πŸ‘‹ I started curating revenue numbers whenever I saw founder post them on Twitter, Hacker News, etc. a few months ago. Haven't talked much about the project so far since I first wanted to find out if the data collected this way is interesting at all. I find it really interesting to see how projects evolve over time and like that the raw numbers paint a realistic picture of what a typical entrepreneurial journey looks like. I've also started to add some further data (likes on Reddit, Twitter etc, organic traffic, Google ads spend) that can help to understand why a project succeeds. So I've decided to share the project! It's still fairly basic, so any kind of feedback is appreciated. Would love to hear what you think!
Kate Kurshina
@jakob_greenfeld Analytics is a good idea! I see what a great job you have done. I will definitely get acquainted with your product. And I really hope that the project inqoob, which we have been working on for almost a year, will also fall within the scope of your research).
Ilya Uglianitsa
Google ads and overall ads spend will be a really nice feature to have. I guess it will support all the "lets make it realistic" approach a lot. Great job, Jakob!
Mike Cardona
Great stuff, Jakob! Can’t wait to check it out
Jakob Greenfeld
@mikecardona_ Thanks Mike!
Prashant Matta
The red is a bit too much on the eye, but great resource overall for the public to check out and find more info about the small products that they use and love.
Jakob Greenfeld
@auttomatta thanks for the feedback! Will test a less aggressive color
Harsh Siriah
A pretty cool idea. The content seems comprehensive and very helpful for analysts. Great job! Congratulations on the launch!
Jakob Greenfeld
@harsh_siriah1 Thanks Harsh!
Yucel F. Sahan
cool project, congrats Jakob. Another website to visit :)
Jakob Greenfeld
@yucelfaruksahan Thanks a ton Yucel!
Great stuff - love it! Congrats on the Launch πŸš€πŸš€
Jakob Greenfeld
@maxwellcdavis Appreciate the support Maxwell πŸ™
Brenna Donoghue
Super interesting. Are companies notified when they're added and given an opportunity to validate the info?
Jakob Greenfeld
@brenna_donoghue All info is directly coming from the founders and the source is always linked in the details pages.
Ryan Hoover
I like the simplicity of the presentation although the white on red background and small font is a bit hard to read imho, @jakob_greenfeld.
Jakob Greenfeld
@rrhoover Thanks! Will work on the design to make it easier on the eyes
Cool project Jakob! Thanks for building this.
Jakob Greenfeld
Thanks Jonas, appreciate the support
Katt Risen
Very interesting! Curious how you curate this information? Manual or do you have some automations helping?
Jakob Greenfeld
@kattrisen It's a mix of both. Anyone can submit revenue signals. So some data is crowdsourced, others signals are collected by me, and some are collected using automations. You can click on any revenue signal and it will show you directly where the number is coming from.
Ajinkya Chikhale
Looks great. Congrats team!
Sushil Sharma
Hi, really useful list. Thanks for accumulated all the data.
Ilya Novohatskyi
Great project, Jakob! How did you scrape the data?
Jakob Greenfeld
@sweatc Some data is manually curated, others is crowdsources ands some is collected using automations
Troy (Mitch) Mitchell
@jakob_greenfeld Congratulations on the launch.
Jakob Greenfeld
@mitch_mitchell Thansk Mitch, appreciate it
Good job. Congrats on the launch.
Andrea Calderini
Interesting project @jakob_greenfeld! I will definitely take a look and let you know :)
Norah Klintberg Sakal
Great work on this project! It's really interesting to see how revenue varies over time for different startups. I'm curious to see how this data develops over time and how it can help entrepreneurs understand what factors contribute to success. Keep up the good work!
Brett Wischow
Awesome job Jakob!