Mark Cuban

Rework - The truth is, you need less than you think


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Mark Cuban
If given the choice between investing in someone who has read REWORK or has an MBA, I'm investing in REWORK every time. This is a must read for every entrepreneur.
Abi Tyas Tunggal
@mcuban Great read. I always wonder if Rework has stemmed from David's work with Ruby on Rails or vice versa. For anyone thinking of picking it up, it's worth it. I read it in one sitting.
@mcuban Mark, would love for you to try out app - We're the only app in the World that lets users get discounted or free ebooks if they own the print book.
Ovi Negrean
ReWork is indeed one of the main books an aspiring entrepreneurs should red. Some great tips from the guys @ 37 signals / Basecamp there. In fact, we've pulled some of it's main nuggets here:
“What you do is what matters, not what you think or say or plan.” Always be building. @mcuban How do you sift through the bullshit people who claim to have read REWORK?
Nikola Novakovic
Read it and its amazeballz. Really like it :)
Francesco Mari
Open a new tab and buy it now! You'll find it amazing useful, regardless your job position :-)
Varun Bagga
One of the best book ever read. Must read