@ErikTberg here's an idea:
Step 1: Register @RappinYoTweets on Twitter
Step 2: Search Twitter for specific keywords/phrases that match your database of rhymes
Step 3: When a match is found, reply with a rhyme
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit
for the last few years i've been working on a custom rhyming dictionary, one that infuses 2-7 syllable rhymes or combo rhymes that you'd never find in a rhyming dictionary. e.g. beatbox/steve jobs, super duper/oompa loompa.
don't know what i'm going to do with it yet but it's taught me how to rhyme well.
Looking forward to seeing the raps you guys come up with!
@ErikTberg, the combo rhymes is also something I've wanted to tackle. Curious to how you approached it. My plan was to use WordNet to find associations and create the rhymes dynamically.
Haha @jm3 - I took it old school with the skeuomorphic design. Making designers cringe for days.
@eriktorenberg - eyedea is awesome, I am obviously inspired. I'll drop you a line, interested in hearing about what you've built.
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