@netspencer@dilyaraskar Yea, I feel like that could be due to integrity and copy right protection or something...The price isnt too bad but i would like to at least give it a shot my self and around my own needs before i commit that much. ESPECIALLY since im Canadian and our currency is poop right now...
The main annoyance I have with loading any font is when I'm already launched inside of my programs and I decide to install a new font. Does RightFont "Push" this new installed font to let's say Photoshop without having to close out the entire app or any program for that matter?
@iamrandyellis Hi Randy, we did a test on this case, when you activate a font in RightFont, the font can be used immediatly in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Sketch. We haven't test it with "all" programs but it should perform as the same.
RightFont is a brand new font manager app for Mac OS X, helping designers to preview, sync, install and manage fonts on your Mac or Dropbox/Google Drive.
RightFont also added font organization functionality for Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, etc, and provides auto font activation feature for Adobe Photoshop & Sketch documents.
RightFont 2 is a new and improved font manager for Mac. You can even use popular icon fonts such as Ionicons, FontAwesome and Google Material Design icons directly in your Photoshop or Sketch documents.
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