Rahul Varshneya

Riviera Build - Mobile Apps Distribution Tool

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Ilyas Hassani
CC adhoc comes with enterprise apple account , and it allow only 100 devices , so what Revier can do about that ? Thanks
Jérémy Templier
@ilyashassani Entreprises accounts does limit the number of developer devices but not the number of devices that can install the adhoc application. Also, please note that Riviera Build is not meant to be an alternative to the App Store, but an easy way to distribute builds to users.
Ilyas Hassani
Hi, Does this require Apple Certificates or not ? could we upload an app and give the link to our Facebook users to install it ? ( App outside apps store ) ? Thanks
Jérémy Templier
@ilyashassani You will be able to share the application anywhere! And users won't need to create an account to install the application. Regarding the certificate, you will still need to sign the application in order to "build" it.
Ilyas Hassani
@jayztemplier @ilyashassani Does this allow me to distribute my app without apps store like a would around ? Like example : an app that got rejected by apple store , can i still share the link and users would buy it from me directly ? Thanks
Jérémy Templier
@ilyashassani you can upload a build signed with a certificates that allows any device to install the app (cc Adhoc distribution provisioning profile) and upload the build on RivieraBuild.
Ilyas Hassani
@jayztemplier i am ready to signup and use your service , can i get a custom plan to set my own Expire date extended to 1 year !? Thanks