Miles Fitzgerald

Roger for Android - Beautiful conversations, walkie-talkie style.

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Pedro Veloso
I'm Pedro, the lead Android developer at Roger! I'm happy that we're announcing it to the world and eager to hear your feedback and suggestions regarding our Android version :) If you wish you can talk with me simply by opening this link:
Ricardo Vice Santos
@pedronveloso Pedro worked relentlessly to bring this to life, so feel free to ask him any questions :)
Eric Frumkin
@ricardovice @pedronveloso Awesome app! Congrats on the Android launch. I've been checking it out and I'm enjoying it so far. Do you guys have plans to add calling/texting capabilities outside of the app to engage users who may not have the app downloaded?
Ricardo Vice Santos
@ericfrumkin @pedronveloso Hi Eric, and thank you so much for your support! Right now our focus is very much on the experience inside the app, but we have been playing a lot with other ideas, join if you wanna be part of the discussion :)
Miles Fitzgerald
Hey Product Hunt, I did the UX/UI for Roger on Android. I spend a lot of time making sure we were following Material Design guidelines but also adapting it for a voice communication experience. Let me know what you think or send me feedback if you have some -->
Ricardo Vice Santos
Last December we showed you Roger for iOS (, a product that @blixt and I originally hacked on a weekend back when we were still working at Spotify NYC. Since then, we have been receiving great feedback and encouragement. Not just from The New York Times, TIME Magazine, and TechCrunch but also from thousands of people across more than 120 countries who have been using Roger to talk with their loved ones, often engaging in conversations that last hours. But the most heartwarming surprise for us, has been how our commitment to simplicity resonated with senior citizens, young children and even the visually impaired. What started out as a simple goal of helping us talk more often with our closest , has led us to create a global platform for genuine conversations to take place, no matter who or where you are. That’s why we’re really excited to finally be live on Android in addition to iOS, and invite 2.4 billion of you to the conversation. Please give it a try and let us know your feedback. We would love to hear from you! PS: checkout our blog post for more details
Daniel F.
Interesting! This is critical for me: "Works with anyone, even if they don’t have the app yet." This reminds me, then, of Peppermint, which I have grown very fond of recently. What are Roger's benefits over Peppermint?
Daniel F.
So, just tried Roger. With Peppermint, I touch, talk, and release, and it automatically sends. With Roger, if the other person doesn't have Roger, then I have to touch, talk, touch to stop, then select who to share with again from contacts, which auto-populates an SMS msg, then I hit send. Peppermint is way easier in that regard. What I will give Roger over Peppermint is that it doesn't require Gmail to send, which I don't like about Peppermint.
Ricardo Vice Santos
@zefareu Roger is an app we started because we missed having conversations with our friends and family back home. By definition, it would only work if we could reach any of them, whether or not they were using a particular app. However, over time we felt it was better to notify friends via your own number, as opposed to some obscure number they didn't know of yet, but we're thinking of giving the user the choice regardless :) PS: you can tap and hold for quick messages too!
Shreyas Thiagaraj
Sup Hunters, I'm Shreyas, iOS Lead at Roger. I jumped into Android recently and we've all been going full steam ahead to get it launch-ready. Insanely excited to multiply our product's reach today! Ask me anything, or send me direct feedback @
Anibal Madrid
Hey guys! Nice UI. What is the difference with WhatsApp voice notes? Everyone, even grandma, has WhatsApp today so the fact u can send it to someone without the app is not a Major advantage.
Ricardo Vice Santos
@anibalmadrid thanks Aníbal! As you can imagine, we get that question a lot, however, we actually see Roger as a complement to messaging. There are plenty apps out there with a microphone button somewhere, but those are often aimed at the use case of sending a quick voice message when one can't type. What we set out to do is to get humans talking more often. In other words, encourage actual casual, on-going voice conversations, as opposed to one-off transactional messages. Then there's the things we couldn't predict, but are equally awesome... :)
Anibal Madrid
@ricardovice I totally get it. When I read "I’ve been talking on Roger almost every day with my sister and a childhood friend, both living in Australia. Just a simple conversation like ‘How’s your day?’ means a lot to us " on you website I inmediately thought about my friends living in South Africa and Australia and imagined how nice would be to lie in my bed and have an actual chat with them using ur app. It makes sense to me now. Thanks!
Pavlo Kuznyetsov
AMAZING design guys. I'm in love
Ricardo Vice Santos
@pavlo_kuznetsov thank you Pavlo! It's all @milesfitzgerald :)