Kate Darby

Rough Idea - Open source your ideas

Rough Idea is a free platform for people to share epic ideas for others to search, use and remix.

We're shining a light on the perfectly good ideas that never made it past the client presentation, Dragon's Den pitch, or your parents' garage. Give us the short of it, we'll post it up and let the rest of the web at it.

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Kate Darby
We built roughidea.io, as a free platform for people to share those ideas that are still gathering dust. You might know you’ll never get around to it, or have the right skills to make it happen. Ideas on Rough Idea are under Creative Commons Attribution International License 4.0, meaning you can use and remix other people’s ideas.  Imagine you’re working on an app for a coffee brand. You can jump on Rough Idea and search “coffee” and see what kind of stuff people are coming up with. One idea about an app to meet friends for coffee stands out to you, and boom you can start using and remixing it straight away. If the author has left their details, it’s always nice to hit them up and say thanks! This is not the place for stealth, IP-fanatics. This is for the people that want to see their ideas go out into the world and become something!