Mike Coutermarsh

Ruby on Rails Podcast - 201: API-first, planning-second - Building REST API's with Rails

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Mike Coutermarsh
I love this one. 😃 Sean recently ran an online seminar on building REST API's with Rails. In this episode they go through what worked well & what could have gone better. My favorite points: - Humanize yourself quickly - when teaching less experienced developers, you need to be relatable. An easy way to do this is through live coding. They'll see your missteps & thought process, showing that you're more similar than they may think. - When teaching, use a simple topic. Keeping it simple allows you to focus more on the building, rather than learning about what to build (in this case, building a blackjack game vs something simpler) - Find out everyones expectations from the beginning. Then at the course goes on, you can calibrate and be sure to hit everyones goals. By doing that, everyone goes away happy. - Opening up a Slack chat a couple days early lets the participants get to know each other better / makes the course smoother. - Online seminars are nice because they open up learning to a wider group of people. The time commitment/$ commitment isn't as large as traveling to a conference. It's more accessible for people who cannot do that. What did I miss? 😃
Radoslav Stankov
@mscccc I would add that since it was payed seminar, the people were more serious and involved.
Ghost Kitty
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Mike Coutermarsh
@colinrubbert Is there anything you've noticed that makes API-First easier to learn understand? Any tools that made it easier?
Ghost Kitty
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Sean Devine
Thanks for posting this :) "Real world testing" was definitely a big takeaway too. Attendees were pretty interested in that topic, and TDD was far less common of a practice than I would have expected.
Mike Coutermarsh
@barelyknown I loved that point. I've noticed that too. I do a fair amount of mentoring Jr. developers. The live coding TDD is super popular with them as well. "Makes it real" 😃
Mike Coutermarsh
By the way, I added created a collection for these if you'd like to follow when they are posted! http://www.producthunt.com/@mscc...