Mike Coutermarsh

Ruby on Rails Podcast - 202: Behind the scenes at Product Hunt - Launch of podcasts, API-first, React.js and Heroku

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Mike Coutermarsh
Hey all, this week @barelyknown was crazy enough to invite me on to the podcast to go behind the scenes at Product Hunt. It was a lot of fun, we hope you enjoy it. 💯 We covered a lot, here some highlights: - The launch of Product Hunt Podcast's - How I got my job at Product Hunt (hint... snapchat) - Moving Boston -> San Francisco - Working Remote vs in office. - Product Hunt's transition to using React.js - Learning/Teaching API-first - AND! Running a high traffic Rails app on Heroku 😎
Sean Devine
I was shamefully pleased with my "I'm M-S-soviet-hockey-team on Twitter" joke and I didn't even get it right! It's "CCCP" not "CCCC". It was instant karma for getting @mscccc's name totally wrong too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sean Devine
I don't always listen back to the episodes, but when I do, @mscccc is the guest cohost. It was a great discussion - I really enjoyed it.
Alex Carter
Looking forward to checking this out! =)
kahlil ✨
Currently listening and really enjoying this episode 😊
Carter De Angelis
This was a great episode. I loved hearing about PH's move to react. Keep it up
Sid Puri
Great episode :) especially how the Ryan snapchat story that always cracks me up