This idea/concept has existed since 2007:
I think that this would make a great alarm clock for me though. I am quite an alarm clock fanatic. I previously constructed my own alarm clock that would pump water over me to get me out of bed...
Interesting– it's really not that gimmicky. This incorporates an action that you'll normally take when getting up (unlike the weird puzzle alarms or weird toys that bounce around. An alarm that I can reach in bed is an alarm that I'll turn off and go back to sleep.
Thumbs up for the innovation but I personally wouldn't want a talking rug, rugs are for cleaning. Definitely not making people feel good, that just sounds weird in all perspectives.
This is great. I used to ask my friends to call and wake me up and they somehow had to figure out that I actually got up. This solves the problem 👌 I would add the function to send sms confirmation to trusted person that you're up, people get creative when they need to sleep 😁
Hustle X
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