Chris Messina

Run an Empire 3.0 - Turn runs into adventures

Top Hunter

Free to play game for Android and iOS where players claim land in the real world by running, jogging or walking. A global race to control your own digital empire.

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Andrew McDonough

I really like the mix of earning points by running and by engaging with the game on the days between runs. It means that unlike tracking apps like Strava, I'm opening the game every day to invest my coins, which then causes me to think more about my next run, and motivates me to get out the door again. The best thing about it, though, is it encourages me to take routes I've never run before, and so I've discovered lots of back streets and hidden paths I wouldn't have otherwise found.


Great gaming mechanics and incredibly addictive


Would love to see more interaction with other players

Ben Barker
Thanks Andrew! This is really great.
Michael Fröhlich
First of all, really great idea and nice app. Just spent two hours walking around the city trying to cover as many hexes as possible – I am on a good way to bronze age now, to capture the castle that's on the tile my apartment is on. However, just a few hours into the the game I have gone from "800" gold per tile visited to "242 000". Given this rapid advancement I wonder how the game will keep the balance and motivation once I play for days and weeks. Features I would like to see: - Leaderboard/ ability to "follow" friends - Group runs (pair up with friends and run together, for every tile visited together get some extra goodie) - Offline Apple Watch integration
Ben Barker
@michael_froehlich Hi Michael - we're working on a number of features very similar to what you suggest. Look out for them in the coming months, and we'll hope to get your feedback.
Natalie Strachan

I get massive gaming guilt when I sit for hours on end playing switch or games on my phone. Run an Empire is so appealing as healthy activity and gaming is something I never thought possible til now! I love it.


Sooooo fun and addictive!



Kai Burghardt
This sounds so cool! Will try it at my next runs today and tomorrow! Apple Watch App to earn coins while running with the watch only would be a long term motivation for me. Normally i leave my phone at home and run with the Runtastic Apple Watch App. But will take my phone with me to test this cool project!!
Ben Barker
@kaiburghardt Thanks Kai - you can run with Strava on your apple watch and it will upload to Run An Empire. We are working on an apple watch version too. Happy running.
Kerry Milauskas
I absolutely love this game, it's so addicting! I'm going out daily now for at least an hour trying to capture new territories and castles. I'm exploring parts of my city that I have never gone before just to get new land. This is the motivation I needed to get myself back onto a healthy track while still having fun doing something I like.
Ben Barker
@kerry_milauskas Thanks Kerry! Really glad you're enjoying it.
Benjamin Fletcher
Pros: I really wanted to like this product. Back in the day, I was a Nike+ iPod runner with the shoe pedometer. The sense of community and competition drove me to run further and faster than I would have. Cons: I never got past the initial onbording screen. There was no obvious UI affordable to continue.
Victoria Baker
I love using Run an Empire, it motivates me to go out running but I also switch it on when I'm out for a long walk. Any opportunity to try and catch a castle! I've really enjoyed watching this product evolve from beta to the beautiful game it is now.
Ben Barker
@victoria_baker Thanks Vicki - glad you like it! 😃
Ben Barker
Thanks Chris for Hunting us! We'd love to hear from everyone who's had a chance to play Run An Empire. Share you stories and let us know what you think.
@benjamin_barker What's new in this update?
Ben Barker
@amrith Hi Amrith - thanks for asking. We've completely redesigned the game from the ground up in Unity, with a more graphic, game like approach. This includes a new custom AR engine that renders our hexagonal world with a blend of real world data like roads, rivers and mountains. We now available on Android for the first time, and we just launched this week globally. The game itself now has a single player campaign where previously it was just a multiplayer. This includes players being able to build a range of buildings on the map, from stone age huts, to space age ports. Hope that helps, happy to share more detail on the new product.
Henry Yates

Apparently more muliplayer features coming soon, can't wait!Lots of


Another reason to go for a run is always a good thing! Great fun as well


Needs to be more competitive e.g. raiding other territories

Caroline Hope

I started using this a while ago, I heard about it through a friend. It’s taken a while to get off the ground but now it’s properly up and running so to speak, I really like it - I went on an extra run this week as I saw I’d gone near but not into a new hex. Would just like some local competition now!


Great motivator to run, the main advantage is that it make me run further, and try new routes, as I know I’ll get rewarded!


More instructions as I don’t play any other games like this

Sinan Yumurtacı
Just downloaded, excited to try, can't wait!
Ben Barker
@enjoythecode Thanks Sinan - hope you enjoy.
Rob Curtis
Been trying for over a year to get help with this app as it doesn’t work properly for me and not had one single response from them, their Facebook page is full of people who have been asking for help and totally ignored too ! App is bugged, always has been and don’t expect any help or support if and when it is bugged for you too !
Bill Hild
I also thought this was a genius idea however it doesn’t work. I can’t get past the “chose your home location” screen. Bummer, looked cool. I even posted a link to it on my FB page to tell others but had to delete it since the app doesn’t work and I didn’t want to recommend something broken.
Ben Barker
@bill_hild Hi Bill - can you try again. It seems we had a server spike from all the interest today. The app should be working again as normal.
Victoria Baker

Well done to the team behind this, love it.


Beautiful looking game that gets me off my sofa and out catching castles. Motivating, fun and addictive.


Would love an Apple Watch version.

Andy Mead

There is a great feeling when you go out for a run, come back and see what you can build whilst you are cooling down and straight away, want to go out and build some more. An app which REALLY, ACTUALLY gives me motivation to exercise is alright in my book.


A game that gives me mojo to run. Can only be good.


Could do with some more instructions

Jonathan Arthur

I have been using Run and Empire since it was available as a beta. The development team is highly responsive to identification of bugs and suggestion of new ideas. I expect the product to develop and improve rapidly as more people use it.


The concept of mixing a game with real life running is excellent; adds another motivation to run and keep fit.


The game is lacking strategic and interactive play elements to make it more competitive and varied in its play.


i really have enjoyed playing and conquering castles nearby


easy to use, because it adapts with Strava


complicated era progression

Fran Hoey

Fun game that allows you to interact with your environment and other local users, as well as requiring some gaming skills. Got me off the sofa And onto the streets.


Great mix of role play gaming and exercise


None really

Manuel Oliveira

For runners who like strategy games, especially those who get excited about conquests and all things medieval, this game is a must! You'll find yourself adding virtual territory, castles and income to your kingdom by simply undergoing your usual running activities and letting the synchronization with Strava do its work.

You start in the Dawn Age and then make progress across eras, adding buildings, conquering castles and earning coins which allow you to improve your empire. This is actually very addictive, as I even found myself changing my route a but so that I could reconquer a castle that I lost one day before. It felt so good! :-)


It brings the healthy habits and the addictive strategy gaming together via a well-thought augmented reality concept


The progression seems to be a bit too fast if one is active enough