I've been a Runkeeper user for *years* now, and have run three marathons in the last year using it. I've tried Stava (and others) and always gone back to Runkeeper, so kudos to the team. The app update is a welcome improvement!
That said, I actively search for alternatives for a few reasons, the primary one being that your training tools are so half-baked.
- I can't change the start date of a training program to another day of the week, so I've literally spent half a year mentally adjusting each training run backwards or forwards a day based on my running schedule. Maddening. Not everyone does their long runs on Saturday:)
- There are just a few training programs. Why? A few more training programs at each distance would go a long way.
Fitness apps are hard, I know, as everyone's got different needs. I guess I've just wondered why RK has been so hands off on improving their training tools. Is it that avid runners will make their own, and novices don't need all that many options?
@dshan Thanks for the feedback! Training is something that is so personal for people, that there can become many permutations to try to deliver for all types of runners. We have chosen to invest right now in creating our more customized prescribed workouts for the more casual runner.
That being said, you specific complaint about the flexible dates is a high priority for us. It is something a lot of users want, and we will be looking to deliver on as soon as we can.
I would love to hear more about what times of specific training plans you might be looking for. We are definitely not hands-off, just moving more slowly than we probably should be. Getting great user feedback helps us in understanding and prioritizing, so your input would be (and has been) greatly appreciated!
Hey ya'll! Excited to be on here. As a deal for the community, and to celebrate the launch of our new subscription offering, see posted a 25% discount for Runkeeper Go located at the "get it" button on web (http://bit.ly/1Kk7g3L) - available until midnight on Tuesday. Happy Running! :)
Big fan of Runkeeper here!
I run 1000 - 1200 kms per year and have been using Runkeeper for more than 5 years now (which is pretty long when you think about it and considering how competitive this market is). Although I've never even considered switching to a paid account.
Is it something I'm missing about the value proposition of the premium account?
Or am I just not in the target market? And if so, who's your target market?
P.S: The redesign looks gorgeous, good job! I really like the colors.
The only thing that isn't of my taste is the app's icon. Why not use the R in lace of the splash screen? :)
Big fan of Runkeeper here too. Very interesting UI/design changes. Looking forward to exploring them in more detail. Looks like a lot of emphasis on flat design and brighter colors. Almost a hint of Breeze in there perhaps, which I really liked. Why'd you guys can Breeze btw?
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