Easily monetise your Trello Power-Ups! Turn your Power-Ups in to money making businesses by adding paid subscription models that can apply to Users, Boards and Workspaces.
Hey! We’re a small team who’ve built plenty of Power-Ups in the past and always ran into unnecessary complications when it came to monetising them. We decided to make Salable to “scratch our own itch” as well as help out the Trello dev community.
Salable sounds like a game-changer for simplifying Power-Up monetization in Trello. 😃
What kind of complications did you encounter in the past, and how does Salable address these pain points?
@heleana Thank you for your comment Heleana :)
When developing Power-Ups in the past, we found that monetisation and licensing took up a non-insignificant amount of our development time. The amount of code you need is high and, because of the sensitive nature of payments, you have to be careful to get it right. We also needed to spend time coding up additional pieces like a pricing table for our website. Multiply this across many different Power-Ups and we were spending a serious amount of time on this stuff.
Salable helps by providing an easy-to-use set of SDKs and a REST API that massively simplify the process of setting all of this up. Enter the information about your product, plan types, and features on the Salable platform and then utilise our API to do the rest. We also generate pricing tables, etc for you to embed on your website! As well as that, we offer license and entitlement checking that payment platforms like Stripe don't provide - this gives you complete control over your billing structure.
Salable for Trello Power-Ups