Chris Messina

LiveMessage from Salesforce - Make mobile messaging a cornerstone of customer service

Top Hunter

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So is this a rival to Intercom? If so should be good, Intercom have kinda been unrivalled a little too long now.
David Cancel
@ryanamurphy I'm the founder of Drift. You might want to check us out if you're searching for alternatives.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Some big announcements this week at Dreamforce — indicating that Salesforce has now hopped on the botwagon!
Juan Manuel Garrido
Shut Up And Take My Money!
Niv Dror
Cool 😎
Taylor Hou
My team actually uses HeyWire (the company SF acquired and turned into LiveMessage). It is great for what it does and I can definitely see us expanding our communication channels with customers to whatever they want to use. Great to see SalesForce identifying and recognizing the need for customer focused businesses to bring it all into a single place to manage the communication. I'm hoping SF makes it super easy for us to create semi-smart bots as well...
Shailesh Chaudhary
Thanks is great news