Emiel Janson

Scape & Drama Filters - Take cinematic photos with your iPhone


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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
The results are pretty impressive, but I've backed projects like this before only to have my next phone make the filters obsolete or no longer fit. I like the clip design here, but I feel like I've just been burned too many times on this kind of solution... :\
Huynh Hoang
I feel like this will be a nice market for those who do not necessarily need a nice phone but want to hand a new feel to it. In my case, this would be a great present for my parents as the camera is exclusively what they use. Will look into backing this!
Looks cool, but really, for 49 you can even buy a camera filter.
Tom Bielecki
ND filters are pretty much irrelevant considering the long exposure live photos coming to iOS11.