Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯

Save Emails to Google Drive by cloudHQ - File emails, Comment on them, Assign comments to teammates

Saving your emails to Google Drive lets you liberate your email from Gmail so that you can:
1) Comment on your emails
2) Assign your comments to a team member
3) Share your emails
4) File them under a client or project in Google Drive to stay organized

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Ariel Assaraf
Exactly what I needed now :)
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@arielassaraf Purrrfect! 😻 So happy that you and the @coralogix team can use it ! ✨
Arabella DeLucco
Amazing! Thank you for always making products that help me be an efficient and creative founder. <3
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@arabelladelucco OMG I'm totally fangirling. Let me break this down: (1) You've always been a creative founder as far back as I can remember (love your work with ) (2) As for being more efficient, I think I saw that you were using a few cloudHQ Chrome extensions.. thank you so much for all your continued support! We want to support you always! ✨✨✨
Regina Walton
This is great. Do you know how many emails I keep that I could just delete? (probably too many!)
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@reginawalton I totally hear you! Now you can just file them away if they're important, and delete what you don't need! Welcome to #inboxZERO! Woot woot! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
Hi hunters! Saving your emails to Google Drive lets you liberate your email from Gmail so that you can: 1) File your emails under a client or project in Google Drive to stay organized 2) Comment on your emails 3) Assign your comments to a team member (I LOVE THIS ONE!) 4) Share your emails with your team so everyone's always up to speed Backstory: My team and I created "Save Emails to Google Drive" so that we can file emails under our clients' folders. Usually we make comments on those emails, and when we need to collaborate with each other, we assign our comments to different members of our team. It makes us very efficient-- especially as a remote team! It works so well, that we decided to release it publicly so that you can use it too. We just created a new feature where you can perform the task of saving your email to Google Drive, but now with only 1 click! This way, we can keep you organized with as little effort on your part as possible. ☺️ cloudHQ. Helping your productivity, 1 click at a time. **Blog post coming at you in just a few hours!**
Rohan K
Sweet plugin! Made it super easy to collaborate on customer emails with my team!
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@rohan_k Thank you! We're so happy πŸ₯° to have you using it!
Navah Berg
πŸ‘ awesome work!
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@navah_berg Thanks, Navah! 😊
Bobby Carlton
cloudHQ products are always well thought out and makes life much easier.
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@bobby_carlton Thanks, Bobby! That sure is our goal! ✨✨✨
lior redlus
I've been looking for such a tool for some time now. Looking forward to using it asap :)
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@iamredlus Yaaaas! So happy to have you as part of the fam! Please review us once you've tried it! 🌟
Justin Rashidi
BEWARE! This plug-in will change your freak-in life. This is an amazing collaboration tool. I love that this software integrates with chrome and doesn’t force you to use another app. I am having more of our team add it now so I can make my life easy-peezy. If you want to hate yourself for the rest of time, don’t get this app. Getting this will probably be the only smart choice you make today. Thank you CloudHQ! :)
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@justin_rashidi 😹😹😹 I just about had a heart attack when I first started reading this! LOL Thanks for the review, and so awesome that you have your team on it! πŸ’•
Eric Quinn Hargrove
@nassaraf and @cloudhq_net - you continue to impress and amaze with each release. Thank you for the work you put in to make dealing with email way easier and more enjoyable!
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@cloudhq_net @ericqhargrove Thank *YOU*, Eric! We love helping you be more productive with your time spent on email!
Audrey Melnik
Great idea!
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@audreymelnik Thanks, Audrey! Especially since you always come up with awesome #ProductLedGrowth strategies, I'm so humbled that you like this! ✨
Misha Kouznetsov
Great addition to my gmail!
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@misha_kouznetsov Yay! So glad you like it! ✨
Raynald Paquin
Super useful on a day to day basis. Well done team!
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@raynald_paquin Thanks, Raynald! πŸ’•πŸ’«
Blake T Whittington
Just saved my TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2019 ticket to my phone/drive with 1-click from the laptop browser. "Easy right?" - Yes! Thank you!
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@blakew Wonderful! I love how you're using it as a filing system for your @techrunch disrupt event tickets! This would also work for events with @forbes, @eventbrite, @stubhub and @ticketmaster too! πŸ˜‰
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
How do you want to use Save Emails to Google Drive?
Sara Ahmadian
Cool product! I'd totally ise it.
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@saraahmadian πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰Yay! Thanks, Sara!
prof net
They have a good free service to attract you and pay for premium services. Very bad experience. Terrible. They abused my Gmail, destroyed all of my files there, and did not refund and stole my money. The worst ever... Do not do the same mistake. Be careful.