Career management for professional women
Andrew Zusman

Savvy — Career management for professional women


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Maisie Devine
Thanks for the hunt @uxandrew! So a lot of recent studies have found that on average women have to feel over 80% qualified to apply for a job, whereas men only have to feel 20%. And yet companies continue to post on career sites and job boards waiting for applications. If we ever want to change the ratios at the top, companies have to actively recruit women into their hiring funnel. With only 4.8% female CEOs and 17% female board members, we have to commit to changing our practices both hiring and retaining. On the hiring side, it’s really just a simple sales funnel. If you start with enough women at entry-level positions and continue to develop the leads through each stage, you will end up with plenty of excellent, competitive options for C-level management. Equal opportunities, equal pay, equal representation at the highest levels -- that's our mission.
Isaiah Turner
Isn't this basically what Hired does?
Isaac Rothenbaum
Hey @isaiahjturner. Thanks for asking! There are a few ways we're different, but the biggest is that Hired auctions off engineering talent to the top bidder, but Savvy is a passive job search solution for focused women looking accelerate their careers with new job opportunities at companies that are diversity focused. Companies reaching out to candidates on our platform aren't directly competing with other companies to artificially jack up the price of that candidate. On Savvy, candidates specify a target salary and that is made directly transparent to the potential employers. Additionally, employers on Savvy can search the entire candidate pool by any number of search criteria to find those hidden gems the automatic matching algorithm hasn't yet identified. These are all features Hired doesn't provide. The most obvious difference, though, is that Savvy is a tool for employers to hire great female talent - not necessarily just tech.
Andrew Zusman
@maisie_devine In your opinion, why is a product like Savvy necessary in today's corporate climate?
Jack Smith
@maisie_devine what roles can be recruited via the platform?
T. Lam ✌
I think I'm the 80% while most women I know was the 20%.