Do you find people use this as a replacement for a desktop scanner or as a substitute when you're not at a desk? I was originally in the market for a scanner but wondering if I should try this instead. For scanning receipts, document-sized papers, etc...
@amritachandra I've been using it in the rare case when I need to scan some files. An (higher-end) real scanner might only be useful if you have to scan lots of files (at once). Highly recommended app!
Back in 2009 we created mobile document scanning with Scanner Pro. It became #1 business app in 20 countries for over 1,5 years and now enjoys 7 million users worldwide. Today, 6 years later, we want to reinvent scanning once again with Scanner Pro 6, which is essentially a brand new app inside. Introducing revolutionary Scan Radar that will automatically find scan-worthy pictures in your Photo Library.
Simply launch your camera from the lock screen and take a few pics of papers/documents/receipts. Scanner Pro 6 will automatically find those using Scan Radar and will ask you if you want to scan them. Super fast, super easy and intelligent. Also, it has brand new design, automatic scanning, OneNote + OneDrive support and much much more.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback, thanks!
Beta tester here. A few unique things I love about Scanner Pro 6 vs. Office Lens, Scannable, etc.:
- The ability to refine the capture selection after the fact!
- The ability to easily choose between a colour and B&W file after capture
- The Radar feature that identifies existing document photos in your photo library and offers to process them for you
I did beta testing of this app and its right up there, in terms of usefulness and quality, with the other apps Readdle puts out.
I've moved from my desktop scanner to my iPhone with this app.
@angeladopter I think the best thing about Scanner Pro is incredible technologies inside and user interface. It works like a magic and new radar feature is just amazing. I couldn't find any other scanner app on the market which can compete with Scanner Pro 22 – Jud Valeski