Kenny Sandorffy

ScholarshipOwl - Find potential scholarships and automate your applications

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Kenny Sandorffy
Hey there Product Hunt! I first came up with the idea for the site out of my own experiences applying for scholarships while getting ready to go to college. After years as a technology entrepreneur, I put together a team to create ScholarshipOwl and fix the problems I had experienced in the system, which included trouble identifying scholarships I qualified for and a heavy time investment to apply for the scholarships I did find on my own. Would love to hear your feedback!
Joelle Alcaidinho
@kennysandorffy how well/ does it work for fellowships (PhD)?
Kenny Sandorffy
@joelle_writes @kennysandorffy hi Joelle we have a good amount of Scholarships also for PhD students. i would say think that you should be able to register to about 100 scholarships. Good Luck, and let us know if how it went!
meagan smith
I love the idea of scholarships. This is such a great opportunity to make a step forward to your future. For instance, my brother had a hard time finding scholarships for his studies, he was checking on every possible website searching for fully funding scholarships. And now, it become so much easier to enroll at your favority university and studying your favorite subject. I'm gonna try my chance in Journalism, I'm planning to apply for a scholarship. I think its a great opportunity that opens paths to buid a career as a journalist which will definetely, help you reach your educational and professional goals. For more info about scholarships check here https://www.listsofscholarships....
Zach Servideo
Wish I had this in college, would be in moderate debt instead of insane debt... I still love you Boston University, but damn you're expensive! Rooting for you Kenny and ScholarshipOwl to change lives, lift people up and help eliminate the debt problems students face coming out of college.
Kenny Sandorffy
Hi Jeremy, Thanks for your question. First of all I must tell you that I think Scholly is a pretty good and well-designed app. Scholly is a directory presenting the user with a list scholarships he may then apply for himself one at a time. They do it in a nice and user friendly way for sure! ScholarshipOwl on the other hand takes the application process two steps further, by automating the whole application process. A user coming to ScholarshipOwl doesn't just get a list of scholarship matches. ScholarshipOwl saves tons of time, automates the application and creates a unified application process. We ask all the questions once up front in one single registration process and save the need of going to hundreds of scholarships one by one and entering similar information over and over again. ScholarshipOwl applies the student to those scholarships automatically sparing the user a lot of time and headache through advanced technology while protecting the users privacy. Many scholarships can be applied to monthly and ScholarshipOwl also allows users to resubmit applications over and over again with a single click. Hope that answers your question.
Jeremy Maluf
Love the idea behind this product. But curious: how is this different than Scholly?
Jimmy Douglas
I just bought the one-month membership for my girlfriend, who is about to start grad school and has been wading through the complicated scholarship process. Will report back whether or not we got our $29's worth!
Kenny Sandorffy
@jimmydouglas hi Jimmy. I hope your girlfriend will have success with her applications. Please email us at should she/you have any questions and if we can help. By the way - We upgraded your girlfriend to the 1-year unlimited package for free now so she can get also applied to recurring scholarships and newly added ones during the next year as well. Good luck, and please send us your Feedback, it is always welcome! Thanks
Jimmy Douglas
@kennysandorffy @jimmydouglas Wow. Thank you Kenny! That's so nice of you. Initial impression is positive. She completed several applications yesterday