Kevin William David

Referral Startup - Peer to peer referral


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Mohamed Yunus
Hello All, having seen a mass traction of around 15 thousand peers connecting on the platform over referrals, just in the past 2 weeks, We decided it to be the best time to push #Scooby live on ProductHunt to make our product more awesome upon reviews and create a better together community. Scooby works as a peer to peer referral platform. 20-22% of the world's economy runs through referrals, be it in home-buying, automobiles and all sorta products humans use, both online and offline but is highly disorganised and fragmented right now. Scooby is the first product to cater and connect peers and effectively utilise the potential of referrals. Gone is the time where people used to check with friends for referrals. Scooby let's you make new friends through referrals. Anything, Put your words here or just "" :)
Ben Tossell
@tweetyunus @scooby this is all I see on the site Is it down?
Kevin William David
Scooby is a Peer to peer referral platform. Scooby connect peers and effectively utilize the potential of referrals.
Mohamed Yunus
Thanks @kwdinc the 'karmadude' for the hunt :p
Jamie Gordon
Basically the mobile website is rubbish, in this day and age I thought product owners would know better.