Carly Keller

Scoot Mobility Operating System - Everything you need to start & grow an e-mobility service


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Carly Keller
Here at Scoot we've learned a lot about what it takes to run a network of light electric vehicles with charging stations and free-floating parking. With a team of talented mechanics, support reps, operators, engineers (software, hardware and the like), we've built a set of tools that enable any rider to pick up and ride an LEV point-to-point with their phone as the dashboard. We're excited to announce the Scoot Mobility Operating System for lots of reasons, most importantly to spread networks like Scoot around the world, changing the way people get around cities. --- From the press release // Introducing Scoot MOS: The platform for shared light electric vehicles Designed by and for mobility service providers, Scoot MOS offers a complete management platform for any LEV service, including e-scooters, e-bikes, and three- and four-wheelers. With proprietary, LEV-specific, in-vehicle electronics, an intuitive rider app, and comprehensive vehicle, customer, parking, and charging software, Scoot MOS is the complete package electric mobility services need to succeed in a complex business. To learn more, please visit "Over the last five years, we've seen a surge in adoption of transportation innovations, from car sharing to ride sharing and bike sharing. But, a huge gap exists between bikes, buses and trains – which are too slow – and ride sharing and car ownership, which are too expensive and problematic in the city," said Michael Keating, Scoot Founder & CEO. "As demand grows for capital-light, immediate urban transit solutions, we're working with world-class partners to deploy the new transit future: fast, affordable, shared electric vehicles."
Harry Raymond
Very interesting. Seems like you're adopting the restaurant franchising model for transportation. What are the startup costs for a potential partner to get up-and-running?
Michael Keating
@harryraymond Thanks, Harry. This is more of a white labeling of our service than a franchise. Cost to the partner depends very much on the scale of their operation. But outside of the direct costs, as a partner we provide the value of 4+ years experience as the world’s leading point-to-point e-scooter sharing service.
Félipé Upperlife
Is this the OS behind Cityscoot and Mober in Paris ?
Michael Keating
@falemaster Scoot does not power those providers but our platform does offer a full suite of tools that enable any fleet operators to manage, distribute, and maintain light electric vehicles from providers like Renault-Nissan, Mahindra, Govecs, and Emco-Elektroroller.
Girish nayak
Its an awesome Idea. I saw a post on techcrunch that you guys are planning to expand as a white label service globally. Will you allow your partners to brand on their own ? how about working with new manufacturers which are not in your list?