@greaterthan1000 Hi Sam, you most certainly can do that.
Paste or type any web address directly on the page and it will be active immediately. You can also add links inside brackets followed by a space and the text you would like the link to show. For example: [https://link.com Click here].
Let me know if you have any other questions.
@greaterthan1000 Web links can be either [https://link.com Click here] or [Click here https://link.com].
Writing order is fine with either left or right.
Since I do not want to memorize difficult things such as "order", I made it possible to write syntax of scrapbox in reverse order.
@greaterthan1000 Hi, unfortunately not at this time. We plan to add document attachments in the future. For now I recommend uploading docs to your google drive / dropbox and then you can paste the link in scrapbox.
@stoweboyd Hi! Our markup was chosen for maximum simplicity and flexibility. Regular markdown is a bit heavy for the kind of application we have in mind, and we also have added our own unique behaviors.
If you want to import from a source using markdown, here is a nice github project that can do that for you: Encode Markdown to Scrapbox.io style text - https://github.com/pastak/md2sb And here is one that lets you export from scrapbox text to markdown: Scrapbox contents -> md - https://github.com/daiz713/sb2md
Thanks for the comment!
I've been really impressed with Scrapbox, it's by the same team that makes Gyazo (https://gyazo.com/) here in Japan and it features a really natural way to let you connect notes to each other. Basically any #hashtag you create automatically becomes a new note, which can in turn include text, images, etc. and of course link to even more notes.
Basically, you can think of it as a Google Docs that lets you connect document to each other, rather than just having a big pile of unconnected notes.
@marktmcewan Thanks Mark! Please let us know if you have any points of friction or things that surprised you. The video is still being finalized, but we wanted to share what we had for Product Hunt today.
Hello, I am a developer of Scrapbox.
The key functions are sync and link.
I am doing scrapbox development with full remote work. I love that everyone can edit one note at the same time and link the notes together to express complex things.
I do not use much chat or video chat, and I almost always discuss ideas in Scrapbox.
@agrizzlyadams@shokai Scrapbox is basically a simple and powerful wiki, and all the page data are just plain texts with simple markups ([..]). Being a wiki, creating bidirectional links between pages is super-easy. Keeping the simplicity of wiki, we can enjoy various features provided by Paper and other modern data sharing services.
Thanks @SachaGreif ! Scrapbox has been a big help in simplifying my work and I hope it can help PHers too. Once you create a few pages and see how easy it is to explore ideas I think you'll find why we're so excited. You'll never lose an idea in a folder again!
We would love to hear your feedback on any points of friction or things to improve ☕️
p.s. Sign up for free with your google account + Data is portable plain text + Integrates with slack
As the inventor of Scrapbox and Gyazo, I've been using them for 10 years.
I'm using Scrapbox for all my activities like taking notes, sharing data, publishing blog articles, etc.
Just put all the information in your brain on Scrapbox pages, and be amazed by how everything can be linked together without worrying about the data structure of tens of thousands of pages.
@stoweboyd When you want to comment on a note, simply edit the note and add your comments below (or inline). If you press ctrl+I you can add an icon of your avatar to indicate that it is a comment from you.
@zsshearer Hi Zach, what you wrote is correct. Affordable paid plans for premium features will be available and there will also be an enterprise plan with additional features and support.