@chrismessina how is this really different since Operator does clothes too? I've used operator a good bit to buy and has proven to be valuable and time saving.
@chrismessina@kurtwalker Thx for mentioning us! We're actually focused mainly on gifts, especially for first-time users (what we've seen is that most people come to us initially for help with gifts; after that, they come back for more gifts, and also start "treating themselves" -- our business is about 50/50 gift/self, but the metrics skew heavily towards gift for our first-run experience). We're going to have an exciting announcement early next week that will make our positioning more clear. Will repost on PH when that happens.
@zisow@chrismessina@kurtwalker you might want to change the PH tagline: "on-demand personal shoppers" seems different from "A simple way to give great gifts" (tagline from the site). Also small UI tweak: the purple help tip that provides examples to add into the "Who are you giving the gift to?" should show up as soon as I click into the field, rather than when I begin typing - for obvious reasons... Anyway seems like a cool idea - will try it!
@_pulkitagrawal@chrismessina@kurtwalker Thx Pulkit! We'll be updating our entire PH profile when we repost our product early next week (we're going to be announcing a rebrand on Tues; the "gift" version of the landing page you saw is part of an ongoing a/b test). As for the tooltip, we implemented it this way so that we can put focus into that field when the user initially lands, without having the tooltip distract from the main page content...but agree, there's probably a better implementation. We'll take a look.
@samir_doshi Sam - thats spot-on, and an important part of our (evolving) gift experience. Not just giving great gift recos when you reach out to us, but proactively reminding you about upcoming events so you don't even have to *start* procrastinating, or forget a birthday ever again. You'll see this reflected in the next few iterations of our product, which we'll be reposting here soon.
Zengo wallet
Zengo wallet