Get notified when your web design breaks
Mark Hayes

Screenbeacon — Fully automated integration testing for visual design


Screenbeacon is a modern take on website uptime monitoring and analysis. They constantly ping your site and check it for consistency in it's coded styles and visual design. If one of the regions on your page breaks, They will alert you via SMS, email, or 3rd party integratio

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Mark Hayes
When you only have a fraction of a second to make a positive first impression you want to be sure you're not displaying something that looks broken. We built Screenbeacon to ensure your visual design remains consistent. We'd love to hear thoughts from the community!
Erik Torenberg
i thought it was screenbacon and i got excited
Jordan Humphreys
@eriktorenberg haha, that definitely crossed our minds for a nice April fools joke!
Ryan Hoover
@mhayes there are a ton of automation tools already available. What makes this better or different?
Mark Hayes
@rrhoover Screenbeacon is different than the other tools out there because it notices when things visually change. Imagine we setup Screenbeacon and another monitoring product like Pingdom to look at a our website.  Pingdom would create an alert if text on the website changed. However if the styles changed and rendered all the text illegible we would not be notified. Screenbeacon catches things like this.
Caleb Winters
Screenbeacon is more focused on what the end user sees. We'll let you know when your web design visually changes. Screenebeacon sends you an alert showing you the baseline screenshot and the diff, letting you decide if it's an error or not. Also, for each test Screenbeacon checks the baseline screenshot AND the computed CSS styles. If both have changed, we create an alert. This helps reduce false positives.
Mark Hayes
We had a few users ask us about using the Chrome plugin. We just published a screencast that should help: